[VIC] - Heathcote Aftermath


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I had a top day being my first and definetly not my last, I had the Silver/Grey Evo 2 ( i know its not a VR4 but still a 4g 8) ) and believe me next trip to heathcote ill be running, my 3 year old son was busting em to run my car, he has C16 for blood and a turbo charged heart i know ive corrupted him.
I went too a lot of trouble just too get it driveable not to miss out on that club cruise, you can ask my missus :D
what about calder?
closer than heathcote.. and better weather for it (night time)

maybe we should try a calder cruise next time..
only problem is that its a friday night
5pm i think
could be 6pm..
finishes usually at around 10pm..

55 entry
15 spectators (or 17)
more expensive.. but less fuel to drive up..
less time..
better track
better atmosphere
too many ******s at calder, at least heathcote you get bang for your buck, and too me the drive wasnt so bad. Heard stories bout coppers being there at calder and waiting for cars to leave ready to slap nice yelow stickers on nice fast cars, if you get my drift. however im easy :roll:
Last time I went to calder I left with a few fresh dints and scratches on my car. Thanks but no thanks.

Calder on friday's is -full- of v8's. Anything with a hairdryer gets owned by the bogan population. I'd prefer to drive back to heathcote even if it's longer, at least it's more laid back and you can actually see the carpark from the track.
Yeah I'm not a fan of calder park either, that delayed time **** on the line is crap IMO.

My mate tried to get some video action of me on the strip but the sound was drowned out by idling V8's :x

I also enjoyed the ride up to heatchcote, barbie and a couple of beer in the sun makes for a good family day of entertainment!!!!!

perhaps we should start a poll?

Heathcote pic enjoy for thos who missed out





will try again following week.. haha

nah just got this accounting assignment to finish..

and main project.. and org structure and design.. and internet for business.

should be free after that though =)