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I have but not very good at getting my point across. I'm even worse at speaking it :p plus the ideas aren't extremely "mainstream" and not a huge freind of corporations. For example, 50 years ago a family of 5 could live off a single income, pay the mortgage, go on holiday once a year ect ect. These days both parents need to work, and still struggle to break even. What's changed. Corporations charging huge % markups. Instead of me giving you a green apple, you give me a red apple. It's ill give you a red apple if you give me 5 of your green apples. Also we are now taught in schools to profiteer off each other. "Success" is taught as being able to make as much "profit" as you can, have more money than someone else. So everyone climbs over each other just to see who can stay on top the longest...
But yeah a do get told regularly that I would be good in politics when I start talking about things :p but like I said. I'm alright typing things. But actually talking about it to strangers I get really really confused and find it hard to get them to understand the point I'm trying to get at
I know exactly what you mean. It takes a lot of strength of character to understand the 'real' world, and get up, put on a happy face and try not to get too blind to the appalling crap that's unfolding. The greed of the human race is just insurmountable, I did presentation on greed when I was doing a Psychology major. When you stand back and have the ability to see how gov't favours the corporation, and the implications not only now but in the future, it is quite sobering. I love the carbon tax, pffft hahaha, wtf? You can pollute as long as you have the money, they apply a similar logic to the topic of this thread "we won't give you any better ways to curb the danger, but we will tax it" It gets my wild up
When you become PM Gianni, I have an idea that will do away with speeding fines.

We all get issued a photo license that also have a credit card style chip. This license is also your fuel card for every servo in Australia and they are the only way to purchase fuel. If you get caught speeding, the cops send you the letter, and unless you appeal, your fuel card gets flagged. The next time you buy fuel it is 5% more for you than the listed price and this increase remains on your card for 2-5yrs. Next offence it's 10%, next 15% right up until you run out of demerit points. At that point your fuel card and license are cancelled, meaning less unlicensed drivers would be on the road because they cant actually buy petrol.

Now, the good bit. Those of us that don't get caught speeding, every year the extra monies received from penalized drivers is divided up to give all the non penalized drivers a small fuel discount (say 0.5-1%). That way, there is some sort of reward for actually doing the right thing. You may have noticed that people who spend their whole lives trying to do the right thing get SFA in return for their efforts. With this idea, the people who are actively trying to make the roads safer get rewarded, the idiots pay more to use the road and the fat controllers get **** all.

I'm a genius...
Heard they are thinking of putting cameras in wheelie bins next.

Also there is a ten year plan to reduce the speed limit to 50k's EVERYWHERE except the free\toll ways for 45-50ks from the CBD.
Mainly so they can eliminate speed signs for everywhere and save heaps of money on signage but also so there is no more confusion as to what speed you should be doing is anywhere (50k's). And two because they can make Billions of $ on an ongoing basis.
They have just released the first phase of this now with a rationalisation of the number of different speed limits in local and country precincts.
They used to do the Wheelie bin camera years ago in Vic.... was complete ********!