Wax/grease remover? methylate spirit? to remove adhesive


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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
Perth. WA.
I heated up the decal/stickers on my car body, and bumper and it takes me hours to had them peeled off.

Before I do anything futher. I wanted to know whats the best way to remove the adhesive that are left over by the decal/stickers. Do you guys heat the adhesive, then uses Wax/grease remover or methylate spirit to remove them?

Previous experince I had tried methylate spirit on my old car body it literaly blur the paint so I can't afford this to happen on the rvr :lol:

I removed all the residue from the decals with eucalyptus oil. Won't harm your paint and easily gets the sticky off.
Those oem stickers on the RVR takes a while to peel them off. Btw Lozzle have you got some pics of your ride?
Those oem stickers on the RVR takes a while to peel them off. Btw Lozzle have you got some pics of your ride?

I spent a few days getting all the decals off mine.

My thread here has some pics in it RVR97:

After I've peeled off the side factory stickers, there's a VERY THICK layer of adhesive/residue left behind on the car panels. Obviously oem factory stickers are high end quality compare to cheap sticker. I've tried bug n tar remover, kerosene, methylated spirit, petrol, eucalyptus oil, pretty much anything I can find in my garage still won't dissolve or penetrate into the residue.


Some advice to RVR owners who want to remove the factory stickers, I learnt from my mistakes as I go along yesterday and today :lol:, this is the method how i did removed mine, it did no damage/scratch/blur to the top coat

-Use a heat gun, peeling the sticker bit by bits. Pay attention, and how long you will be aiming the heat gun at the sticker. I nearly burned my front flare after I went look away for a sec :eek:

-Once stickers are peeled off. Use dis solve it, you can grab a big bottle from Bunnings for $15 bucks, spray on to the residue, leave it soak for a about 10sec. Then start scraping off the residue with a smooth flexible plastic scraper. You will need to put some pressure to scrap the crap outta of it. I used a Guitar Pick and Plastic Opening Tool that I found in my garage. Works very well but process is very long due to the sizes of the pick.

Guitar Pick and Plastic Opening Tool can be found here.

The sticky stuff remover that Damo mentioned works great, it does the trick and smells nice and citrussy as Ive used it before lol.... but I'll give my vote to Lozzle with the Double D Eucalyptus oil as it works heaps better. We keep this stuff in the house by dabbing it on the kids tissues when they have a cold, adding to water for incense to make things smell nice, adding to bucket of water for cleaning our tile floors, and removing all sorts of sticky **** off anything easily. I use it to remove stickers and adhesive off just about anything. It's good stuff and can be bought from your local supermarket for not much at all ;) PS: I know I shouldnt sniff and inhale the contents but I cant help it lol :lol:

I didn't know there's different grade of ucalyptus oil n hint it's poison lol not a good mix for incense...

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