What a laugh


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I just posted this on skylines australia..


bwhahahah thats the guy at my work. he just bought that. maybe he realised that $25k for a 1993 S1, stock, with a body kit and rims, and a bit of paint was a rip? lol

and, he is such a cock head, thinks he is the ultimate now that he has that car....used to have a mitsubishi magna, with fully sick fart cannon and all....what a beast

topped it all off with "NOT FOR SALE + (phone number)" on the back window.....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

i dont know whats more distressing : 5 bids, the high bidders username, or the number of views..... (1177)

what a knobjockey :lol:
OK !!!! Nice !!!!! So peoples, what do you reckon, might all post ad's for passenger rides on next Team 4G Cruise if this clown car raise this much !!!! :lol: MMMM??? LOL !!!! Got to at least raise double what he's got for a 4hr cruise !!!! In in a Team 4G Car !!!!! :wink:

its up to $4499 ......!!!!!

check out the questions and answers......

ROFL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
WTF ????? I am posting a ad for the next cruise for sure !!!!!! :lol: The questions's are brilliant !! Also I couldn't help myself I Had to join the Q&A List he he he he he he


thats made my day!!

its gotta be a wogs car (no offence) the questions are gold!

if ol mate seriously thinks his car is worth anything to 'be seen' in than he needs a reality check(guido hatziz lebanese reverse, slapping head kicks) style