What brand of cam gears should i buy?


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Dec 3, 2005
Logan, Brisbane
this is really a joke! :lol:

some of you will know what i'm talkin about.

but i will need some replacments so suggestions will be concidered.


2 piece ones not 3
the unorthodox ones look pretty awesome!
fidanza seem to make good quality products, as do crower.
HKS are used a fair bit but only have 3 nuts holding the setting, which would make me a little nervous...
not gonna go another set of AEM's? :p
I don't like the whole, not being able to put ur cam cover back on after you install gt pumps cam gears. They would have to give me a written warranty on my whole engine.
i dont know how GT pumps gears perform but i have seen/worked on a vr4 engine which had GT pumps gears and the timing belt was hanging over the edge of the gear by about 4mm!! that can never be a good thing.
Jonson said:
i dont know how GT pumps gears perform but i have seen/worked on a vr4 engine which had GT pumps gears and the timing belt was hanging over the edge of the gear by about 4mm!! that can never be a good thing.
you mean the gears are 4mm thinner than the timing belt? :?
I think Mark needs to get on the forums and clear a few things up for us.
no i mean the timing belt was sliding of the cam gears!!! almost half way off. the owner said that its always been like that since he did the gears!!
actually Jon, the belt never sat that far off, it was only level with the edge of the cam wheels. Perhaps all will be well once the "rubbing" issue is sorted, thet never happened before either....
it was sitting a fair way off considering the size of the belt. and the rubbing will probably be because i did the timing covers up properly when before they were probably missing some bolts. on that note. put some white out on the face of the belt and on the side. let the car run for like 10 seconds. then when it gets stripped back down u can see where it is hitting.
BobWrinkle said:
I don't like the whole, not being able to put ur cam cover back on after you install gt pumps cam gears. They would have to give me a written warranty on my whole engine.
Jonson said:
i dont know how GT pumps gears perform but i have seen/worked on a vr4 engine which had GT pumps gears and the timing belt was hanging over the edge of the gear by about 4mm!! that can never be a good thing.

I dunno what you two boys are on about :p I have a set of GTPUMP cam gears on my engine and they are just as good a quality as others on the market. You CAN bolt your cam gear cover on them no trouble. Plus my Gates T167 timing belt fits perfectly :D

The best thing I like about the GT pumps cam gears is that it has 5 x countersunk bolts in them. Most other cam gears like Fidanza, Crower, HKS, Unorthodox, AEM, etc have their bolts on the surface so if you are a regular tuner, with each new cam timing position you scratch out the anodising on your gears and it can look unsightly. The GTPUMPS cam gear bolts are countersunk so you cant see the scratches as easy :wink:

GTPUMP cam gears are actually SRR brand but without the SRR written on them and they are race proven products :wink: http://www.srr.com.tw/english/e_index.asp . I know because I bought a set from GTPUMPS when they first got them in and my blue set have SRR written on them and look identical to this http://www.goingsuperfast.com/HONDA.html :

EVO-00X said:
BobWrinkle said:
I don't like the whole, not being able to put ur cam cover back on after you install gt pumps cam gears. They would have to give me a written warranty on my whole engine.
I dunno what you two boys are on about :p I have a set of GTPUMP cam gears on my engine and they are just as good a quality as others on the market. You CAN bolt your cam gear cover on them no trouble.

I was just quoting the website:

GT Pimps WWW said:
Note: Requires removal of top factory plastic timing cover. (No mods needed just leave it off)

Cheers for the info though. Will definately consider them.
It's weird that they say that :? We fit the plastic cover over the gears and it fit perfectly. We took laser measurements off it and gonna custom make me bling cover anyway out of polished alloy (cause the factory 4G63DT cover fouls on the bonnet of the CC coupes). If all goes well, might have a template made up and see if I can get several custom alloy cam gear covers made up :twisted: When its done will let ya'll know (might add some slots in it to show off the cam gears inside :wink: )
how much are we looking at ? in AUSSIE dollars I paid $275 each for the last ones.

O BTW it lives again! does have a lifter noise now where before it didn't!
