What changes required to replace VR4 with EVO ECU?


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Wannabe Racer
Nov 6, 2005
Hey Guys,

Am currently running a VR4 ECU in my CC Coupe. I've got the 2.3 sitting in it now and am wanting to run a chipped/epromed ECU.

The VR4 wiring harness was spliced into my existing factory harness when I had the 2.0 litre conversion done 4+ years ago and I am wondering what (or any) wiring changes would need to be made if I wanted to run an EVO ECU. I want to run the EVO Airflow meter and 560cc injectors, but also need the other mods like the 272/272 cams etc taken into account (hence the chipp/eprom).

Any assistance would be appreciated.
i think you can use the VR4 block but you will need to use an EVO head with evo accessories for it all to work out.. in regards to your ECU you cant run the mines chip.. well you can but it will run hell rich as its not tuned for 560cc..

oh and you might need to run an EVO loom aswell.. plus the auxillaries like evo knock sensor etc.

Dunno what Jstyle is on about (EFI guru)????

Just get the EVO or Magna 055 AFM and do the simple little wiring mod on that AFM connector.(you can find all the intructions around here somewhere).

Make sure that your VR4 ECU is chippable and go for it.
or just just quit mucking around with chips and ******** and get yourseLf a fully progarammable ECU :wink:
Mr Gears said:
Dunno what Jstyle is on about (EFI guru)????

Just get the EVO or Magna 055 AFM and do the simple little wiring mod on that AFM connector.(you can find all the intructions around here somewhere).

Make sure that your VR4 ECU is chippable and go for it.

so every plug and loom and sensor is the same from VR4 to EVO ? so the VR4 knock sensor will run in an EVO ecu ? well thats something i havent heard before.. more intrigued to find out as i have plenty of evo ecu's and would maybe one day also go down this path.

You really don't have a clue do you Jstyle?(local EFI goose)
Why would you want to use an EVO ecu?

I want to run the EVO Airflow meter and 560cc injectors, but also need the other mods like the 272/272 cams etc taken into account (hence the chipp/eprom).

All you need to do here is modify the AFM connector wires and chip the VR4 ECU.(keep the VR4 loom)

so every plug and loom and sensor is the same from VR4 to EVO ? so the VR4 knock sensor will run in an EVO ecu ? well thats something i havent heard before.. more intrigued to find out as i have plenty of evo ecu's and would maybe one day also go down this path.

I will let you find out for yourself.

Other normal type friendly people can just ring the workshop and Chris will explain everything that you need .
Mr Gears said:
You really don't have a clue do you Jstyle?(local EFI goose)
Why would you want to use an EVO ecu?

I want to run the EVO Airflow meter and 560cc injectors, but also need the other mods like the 272/272 cams etc taken into account (hence the chipp/eprom).

All you need to do here is modify the AFM connector wires and chip the VR4 ECU.(keep the VR4 loom)

so every plug and loom and sensor is the same from VR4 to EVO ? so the VR4 knock sensor will run in an EVO ecu ? well thats something i havent heard before.. more intrigued to find out as i have plenty of evo ecu's and would maybe one day also go down this path.

I will let you find out for yourself.

Other normal type friendly people can just ring the workshop and Chris will explain everything that you need .

if you read the topic its asking.. what would you need to change to replace and VR4 with an Evo ecu.. am i not correct?

get off your high horse.. im here trying to help him with what i know and here you are telling everyone your the be it all.. exactly the same style as what agvr4 did in that thread. and if you dont have an answer for what he needs to change on a VR4 motor to use an Evo ecu then dont be a smart arse and have a go at me.. cos im not stabbing u am i? :p

Alright - since found out that my VR4 ECU does not have an eprom slot, so will need to upgrade to an ECU that can be chipped.

Now considering that I already have the relevant VR4 wiring spliced into my factory loom to run the (unchippable) ECU, what are my best of the 2 options (given I want to stay with a factory ECU) and that I want to run an EVO airflow meter? Does anybody sell an adaptor loom to run the 2G airflow meter on the 1G ECU?

It shouldn't be a problem fitting the EVO knock sensor and TPS if required.

So my 2 options (as I see it) are:

1) Get a VR4 ECU that has an eprom slot and get this chipped.
* Will another VR4 ECU just plug straight in place of the old ECU?
* What VR4 ECUs are available with an eprom slot?

2) Get an EVO ECU.
* Will an EVO ECU just plug straight in place of the old VR4 ECU? Will I need to change any wiring from the VR4 loom spliced into the factory loom?
* I will obviously have to run the EVO knock sensor, TPS and airflow meter.
* Will the VR4 O2 sensor work with the EVO ECU?
Option 1 is the only viable one. An Evo ECU won't plug into the VR-4 loom. I'll repeat that in bold in case its not clear enough to some people: AN EVO ECU WON'T PLUG INTO A VR-4 LOOM. Its not worth the effort rewiring the loom with Evo plugs when you can just chip a VR-4 EPROM with RS fuel/ignition maps and have it suit Evo injectors and air flow meter.

The main question you should ask yourself, is WHY you want to do it. Just because its "Evo" stuff and its cool to say you're running Evo stuff?
I don't go for the 'It's Cool' approach (ie **** Factor) as I am more concerned with building a nice, reliable and hi-po street car within a reasonable budget.

So from what I've gathered, I'm better off using a VR4 ECU that will plug into my existing loom. This brings me back to my 2x questions under Option 1:

* Will another VR4 ECU just plug straight in place of the old ECU?
* What VR4 ECUs are available with an eprom slot?

What I am trying to determine is WHAT VR4 ECUs can I use (ie Aus Spec, Jap Spec, RS, GSR). If an EVO ECU won't plug into my loom, am I potentially facing the same issue with another VR4 ECU? I know these might sound like stupid questions but I've very quickly learnt not to take ANYTHING for granted in the process of building up my car.
Shane, any Vr4 ecu will work. Look out for an Auspec ECU.. they are pretty hard to find.. tho i ended up buying one this week ehhehe lucky me.....

Yer your best bet is an Aspec ECU which will bolt straight in and use the same wiring etc.. but the only down side is that you will be paying around 200 + if u can find one.
