What do you do when you see a police Evo X?


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the law may have changed but in vic it used to be if you followed a cop car that was speeding they had no right to book you (as long as the lights/sirens were off) as they wernt supposed to be speeding as well... not something i would like to test these days though
I've done it recently Jimi. Followed a cop doing 130 back from melb to ballarat. He didn't pull me up, but they WILL radio ahead (I have a scanner in my car) and let the TMU that sit around on highways know that they have a car tailing them "At speed". You'll get radared by another cop and fined. Pretty ****** really, I saw the TMU up on the bridge too but I'd backed off a bit since I heard the radio call.
cool.. but as you say screwed... they should have got radared as well... pitty its one rule for us and another for them... i was chatting to a chick many many years ago on a bus from melb to kerang (should have got her number as she was hot.. but thats another story) she was saying that her now ex bf had taken her to melb and done the drive in just over 3hrs (he was a robinvale cop) now to you and i that drive would be 4.5 hrs at least. all he did was flash the badge and have a bit of a chat every time he got pulled up
Any body got the link for the video. Can't be ****** sifting through all the crap to find it. Although his murcie is mighty sexual to say the least.