What exactly do i buy?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2009
Wodonga VIC
Hi All,

Going to go for an ECM set-up just curious on what i package i actually need for my car?
Current setup is:
•E3 510'S
•3 Inch exhaust and front mount
•All running off a socketed Evo3 ecu

Just need to know what i need out of the ECM catalouge. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
All running off a socketed Evo3 ecu
The fact that you're running of an EVO3 ECU means you'll want the "V3Lite" package off our website because we do not yet have the "full V3" package ported over to the EVO3 ECU.


Just select "stock injectors" and "stock MAF" and you should be all set. The basic ordering process is outlined here.


Oh, also, you'll need to have your ECU socketed.


But in addition, the EVO1-3 ECUs need one other mod as well.


Hope that helps,

Thomas Dorris
ECMTuning, Inc.
Thanks alot for all the info Thomas, is it just a eprom socket mod? my ecu has already had a eprom socket fitted to suit the
4G93T (GSR Motor) with the evo3 ecu.

Make sure you have the round pin socket, I had a flet pin socket and had issues where the chip wouldn't work. I got a round pin socket and piggybacked it between the chip and the board socket and it's fine now.
The round pin socket was about $4 from jaycar
Sweet as!! My missus works at jaycar!! i will make sure, i hope a full version comes out soon!!!
Just went just looked at my ecu its a gsr ecu chipped to suit evo 3 afm,510cc injectors and tdo5-16g will the package described earlier do the job still?