when is enough


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isnt it obvious, bro? if you have to ask then that kind of lets us know she's really not as important to you as may think.
when my missus pointed out to me what she thought my priorities were... once upon a time... it was quite obvious!

stay with her and give the impression that she comes first... all the while spending what i could on the car but if she doesnt know much about cars as you say then it should be easy to pass off a complete engine rebuild as a full service. :lol:

state that the turbo timer and boost ctrl and forgies are to make the car "better" and more "reliable"!
if the boost controller was 500, say it was on sale, a second hand or only a hundred bucks. :p

most of them arent lies either. others... a little stretchy but if you can convince yourself then it'd you'd pull it off more convincingly!
note: keep reciept where she'll never look - where spare wheel is - as she wont look there. she'd sooner call you before she even pulls up the carpet to change a flat.

save what you can or what she expects of you and when you're alone, no more red bulls of coffees! just buy mi goreng or other cheap noodles for lunch and you'd have alot saved in no time at all! that way you can get some decent goodies every few months! :rolleyes:

that way you get to keep the car AND the girl!

i'm sure alot of people can relate to what i'm saying. in one part or another and maybe can recommend some strategies/suggestions on what to say and where to sacrifice.
keep it at a mates house and tell her your just helping him fix it , he doesnt know what he is doing ...lol

thats what Im doing :)

My mrs said sell your car to me a few months ago (been with her close to 3yrs) i just laughed and said mind your business otherwise ill put you dog on ebay with a buy it now price of $1hahahaha

Ive spent big bux on my car, my mrs looks at it and rolls her eyes but she gets the car and what ive gone through to get it to where it is today (still sitting in the garage) and trust me ive spent big bux on my *******, i just told the mrs like it or lump it!

She now wants me to get it to the track so she can watch me race LoL.

Your call though! hahahaha
yea after all this (2 months) we finally came to a agreement, i dont talk cars around here and spend time with her, she only wants to hear the exciting parts like it starting for the first time ( soon to come)

when im not around spend as much time as i want and money as long as im still saving

so im quite happy with the out come and i showed her this post i put up on the forum which made here understand abit more about it hence the agreement,

but thanks alot to all the members here really helped out big time :) cant thank you guys enough
i to am a hopless saver. 4 days a week uni and 10hrs a week work dosn't make for much savings during a uni semester. yet over the christmas break i have managed to put aside just over 2k. when i'm not at uni i work my ass off there was a period that i work 7 days a week with some days being 16+ hours. drove a cab for 12 then went and did the evening shift at my regular.

my parents dislike me spending what i do on my car but since i do it in stages they come around. as you all might know i just started on an awd conversion their biggest gripe is the chunk of metal taking up a parking space at their workshop not what im about to do to my dialy drive. i'm lucky in that i have a place to do the work out of the way (mostly).

to keep the old lady happy i've just set myself up a proper savings account. and am arranging for automatic schedualed transfers (compulsory savings) and just forgetting about said account. the old woman wants me to start thinking about buying a house but with approx 40k in hecs by the time i graduate i realy want to pay that off first. i've tried to live my life debt free. the moto being if i don't have the cash to buy it outright i don't have it. which for me has worked until now. i myself am 23 still live at home and don't have any major expenses and i to have nothing to show for all my work (cash wise i do however have everything i "want") and due to the extent of my modification am taking on the insurance payment myself until now they've been bundled in the family policy.

my point is do what make you happy but only do what you can afford.
what means more to you and you alone . Dont take our advice as everyone else's relationship is different ive been marries 4 years and i just bought my first gsr now and now i am so far under the thumb its not funny. A relationship is balance, if you cant find balance something has to go. Always pick the long term advantage is the only thing i want you to take away from this.
Also don't let anybody force you to buy a house.. lol

It is not as easy as it sounds..

Live life... do things when you are ready...

As for spending on the car... it is a waste of money but it is something that has to be done...
I could have saved all the dosh I spent on my car BUT I would not be where I am if I didn't....

Just make sure, no regrets.......
Im with Baz!! I bought a property at 21 and have had a hard time doing things and getting my car done due to a lack of funds.
Live abit before you do anything like that it makes it quiet hard. Im 25 now and my M21 has seen barely any progress!!

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