White smoke


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just drive it for a few thousand before getting the spanners out.....that will allow things to settle or develop to a more easily identified issue.

ping issue is very likely a blocked fuel filter and pump gauze
Get that old fuel out of it.
Check base timing and check the balancer mark hasnt walked. Check it quickly against the cam wheel marks and that will check your cam timing too.

Its a new car to you so you need to check the base setup
Ok guys compression test done
Cylinder 1-126
Cylinder 2-126
Cylinder 3-76
Cylinder 4-76

Could this be the bottom end damage.
Yikes! Fried rings? Not sure how bottom end damage could affect cylinder compression. Unless your valves aren't seating correctly, air might be leaking out through there.
If you can, repeat the compression test wet and also do a leak down test. However, on those numbers it does not look healthy, so the extra tests will really only help pinpoint where the probs lie. Sadly, you won't be able to get out of it cheaply if you want to fix it.
Its hard to say, I've driven plenty of clapped out engines over the years and they have kept going, but it depends what the problem is. Do you want to keep it and fix it up ? If so I'd be getting it checked out and driving it as little as possible in the meantime. Did you get it for next to nothing and you don't mind if it breaks ? If so, put a thicker oil in it and keep driving it, it may last for quite a while if it is just rings or valves and you are running standard boost. From what I have read though, oil getting into the combustion chamber lowers the octane rating of your mixture which could increase knock and too much of that will blow up your motor. Running standard boost will lower the risk of that happening. I know that bit because I was doing a fair bit of reading when chasing down detonation problems in my GSR.

FWIW get it fixed and have some fun, they are great cars and no one knows what they are anymore, so you can fly under the radar.
if your anywhere near the gold coast i have a block with good pistons rings etc but it needs a crank and head willing to see it gone cheap cheap
Do the wet compression test. That will isolate if it is rings or valves/head related.
A leak down test is a good idea too but the wet test will tell you if its top end or rings. If its top end it might just need valve lapping

If you want to check the bottom end you can remove sump and plastigage the mains and bigends. Not a huge job.
jack of all said:
Do the wet compression test. That will isolate if it is rings or valves/head related.
A leak down test is a good idea too but the wet test will tell you if its top end or rings. If its top end it might just need valve lapping

If you want to check the bottom end you can remove sump and plastigage the mains and bigends. Not a huge job.
Ok I’ll do a wet test. Head and valves has been recondition by the previous owner 8000km ago
Gotta get the oil on cylinder walls. Use a syringe and bent tube. Use minimal oil.

Khubner is has a excellent write up that is very descriptive. He should repost it and sticky it.

Just because previous owner did valves dosent mean that its a good job. Easier to redo valves than rings.
Good luck