Why do I keep blowing my head gasket


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check the rad isn't blocked as-well. check the water pump.

reco the head and deck/prep the block
too blow 21 gaskets inside a month you either have a very big cooling issue or seriously screwed up the gasket install. also check/replace the thermostat
khubner1 said:
check the rad isn't blocked as-well. check the water pump.

reco the head and deck/prep the block
too blow 21 gaskets inside a month you either have a very big cooling issue or seriously screwed up the gasket install. also check/replace the thermostat
21 gaskets in a month!!
Thats a mad effort.
Think its a combo of things,
1. timing to advanced.
2. Using tty bolts ( ears must be painted on ae Bryan ) lol
3. Fans not working with turbo timer.
4. Possibly dodgy relay

So will be checking the timing properly next time, use better head bolts, sort turbo timer out so fans r working when timers running or ******* it right off. Ill change relays for new ones just to be safe.
Will also get head redone and clean- flush radiator.
well lets see in one month I've had the misfortune of changing 3 head gaskets 2 gearboxes an entire engine and a radiator (oh the joys of running 8 taxi's and doing the mechanical yourself
BOOM radiator Cap. That was my problem with a cheap chinese radiator. Caused my Blown head gasket . Well I reckon it did. Now I have a Koyo Radiator was $750 But
If radiator cap was leaking the car would overheat, you would have seen the water temp on your cluster
When using a steel head gasket, and some head studs, once you give the final torque that should be it, just a regular check for tension, with a steel gasket, don't loosen off and re- tension, that may be the case with a graphite gasket but not with MLS.

And you may as well put a set of ARP head studs in, they are cheap for preventing more issues.