Won't start!


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Ye Olde Member
Apr 2, 2005
Adelaide, SA
Dre, I know you've been having electrical problems.. Maybe you can give me some pointers

I havent driven my car for about 4-5 days.. Turned the key today, and it was cranking really slowly for about 2 seconds, then dieing. All of the interior/dash lights would go off for about 30 seconds-1 minute and then come back on.

I checked the terminals - cleaned them up a little bit.. Same result. Tried a few times, then got the "fast clicking noise". Does everyone know what I'm talking about?

The only thing I can think of is that this morning I was trying to clean up my power window switches, but didnt even do anything. Basically pulled plastic shroud with the switched in them out of the door, and tried to get the plug off, but it was stuck, and I didn't have time to muck around, so I put the switches back in the door. I can't see this making a difference though, right?
get a volt metre on your battery and test how much voltage it has.. if it has under 12.8v then :

a. battery is dead
b. alternator is cranking battery over
- how to tell if its the alternator is to get the car running and slap the volt metre on the battery while its running... it should read in the region of 13.5v +

the tick tick tick noise sounds like the starter motor.. u tried bashing that with the wheel brace to get it kick started?

Na man, try your battery, might be flat!

tried push starting it?

I cant find out whats wrong with my car until it happens again :twisted:

then ive got to get it to an auto electrician :twisted:
I think its one of two things........

Your starter motor solenoid seezing, this can hppen if the engine heats up good and proper, or if the engine hasn't been cranked over in a while....

Or, dud battery. But the fast clicking noise sounds like a buggered solenoid. Does it keep click even when you return your ignition back to the "on" position in your ignition?

flat battery dude!

push start the thing.. let it run..
the slow cranking is due to LOW CCA (CRANKING CURRENT)

the click click click noise is when the battery is so flat that the starter motor cant spin the crank anymore..
hmm in *theory* i didn't believe it was the battery as it has a little light on it showing when it's fully charged and when flat

hrm i might have to crack the starter

****** i know nothing about these cars still

i've got suspension down.
engines and **** i'm still lost as :roll:

wheres the starter on these things?
put a new battery in it, jump start it wont ever

it's a flat battery, nothing more nothing less
trust us jase.. battttttttttttttery...
not the starter

if it were the starter, it wouldn't have cranked at all..

but for your information its ontop of the gearbox on the transfer case side (basically it sticks into the gearbox from the same side as the engine..
on the back of the engine..

little thing with wires sticking into it.. would be under the inlet manifold
ok cool

just doesnt make sense

it's always been so reliable on the power front

although my drivers side window has been dying on the way up lately

anywho.. will charge it up tonight
how old is the battery? they only have a 2yr reliable life, & generally will just **** em selves one day, crack a cell or just stop holding charge.

borrow someones battery & start it with that, then u will know. charging it is a waste of time
just put it onto boost charge, only takes an hour or so.

my previous lancer did this. it had a ghey as battery. it wud go dead. then try to turn it on "tick tick tick tick". then charge that shiet and it worked no worries. i went and purchased a new batter after it though.
Probably not necessary, but if it's a normal battery don't forget to check the water levels in each cell.
If one or more are low, the batterys life may have been reduced.