Have you had any progress yet? get your gear and car back and dosh yet? i am really curious as to how to went also. Being that my engine was supposedly done by them folks too and i have to say it aint exactly top notch. Hell, far from it!
obvi9ously they need to learn the english definition of "Professional." if you're evo experts and cant even get it right, how da heck you expect anyone else to take their car to your buttock?
even something simple as wiring the brake indicatoe on the dash. half the icons dont work and a couple are wired to something else. like wtf?
if you take something off someone's car, put it the fudge bAck on! unless you have prior permission. i got less an a/c and radiator fan.
so on hot days i'm fried till i get it done good and proper. and fried is the least of my problem. the mofo overheats when its really hot. thank god its zippy and i get around in good time or else i'd b like the egg on that taubmans paint commercial.
its not cheap to get someone to buy and fit and engine but if you pay someone thousands, like four or so, you'd expect a decent and proper job. but no, not these specialists. lol
also taxed my a/c pipping from condenser to cabin. dirty busters!
i hope things worked out for you and best of luck finding a proper tuner as theres so many dodgy ones as so many people i know have so many horror stories. this one kept his wrx for a whole 2 years almost. his back seats got stolen from the "tuner's" workshop and they expected him to replace it himself when they're the ones who didnt look after the car properly.
then when we finally had enough he finally supposedly "Recieved the STi engine from japan".
this "expert tuner" who once told me he does "EVERYTHING" didnt know how to put the damn thing in. my friend had to bring in another wrx for him to copy from. like wtf? you're supposed to know this **** and it dont take years to do **** like that. fine a month at worse but 2 years...
then after finish wiring everything up and supposed giving it a better tune with a few mods, my friend decided to dyno his car. see what progress he has achieved with his 15 large. took it to an independant dyno... strapped it in....
"vrooom vrooom.... ka BOOM!"
this was a couple days after he recieved the car. so he went to the "tuner" to demand his money back but nup. he claims that its not his fault because the dyno people must have done something to the car.
damn dodgy wannabe tuners!
take your car for a service there and it feels no different. he tells you how superior his "TURBO" engine oil is. pfft. one day i decided to try out a different oil and service mcar y car myself and just the better oil made such a big difference that i almost felt like a turbo virgin again as boost came on as strong as i remember when i first had the car.
even when i had an accident in my wrx, mr " i do everything" claimed he could fix and panel beat everything. fair dinkum i sAID. i'll give ya a go.
since its panel beating and not mechanicals.
i had the drivetrain and most things replaced as good as new except for a lil re-alignment needed for the chasis. hell, if i were strong enough or had decent tools could probably do it myself. but this tuner/smash repair guy couldnt do nothing. nor suggest nothing as he didnt have the pulling machine... as he put it.
dodgy ass fudges who make such big claims and cant back it up. it cost me a **** load of money to tow the car there and back and to another place. wasted so much time and money on crap mofos. at least some other people tell you straight up if they had the capabilities to do things or not... those honest ones you feel you can trust as they obviously dont make bs claims and tell you if its too big for them. its just the mr know it all and do it all who probably seem too many fast and furious videos they think they can do it too.
or just to boast "yeah, i worked on this car, that car".
people like them that waste pplz times and money should sign a thing that states that if they cant back up their claim, you have the right to physically harm them if you feel the need if they dont reimburse all your funds back if they cant back up the claim. otherwise you can chop, shoot, punch the crap out of them without them being able to charge or sue you or anything as they brought it upon themselves.
thats how i feel sometimes when them bastards do that **** to ur pride and joy then steal from you and not give you anything back.
just my two cents.... blabbered two cents, but two cents none the less