work done at tech-sport bayswater


Help Support 4GTuner:

Send them the email stating your intentions - say something along the lines of you're wanting to finalise your budget for the car and need to know what's outstanding and how much $$$ you've already spent on what. Ask them to have the itemised list ready and that you'll be following your email up with them the next day by phone (that way they have 24hrs to get your list ready). DON'T GET EMOTIONAL IN WRITING!!

When you ring - again, clearly state that you would like them to have the list ready which shows where your $$$ have been spent and on what and that you'd like to have that list ready for a personal review and discussion with them. You will achieve so much more in a phone call versus an email.

You may need to confront them in person - once you've got your list and given them the chance to show that they have in fact attempted to do the right thing by you, you can stand there and state that you're not satisfied with their level of service and that you've failed to see where your $$$ and the time have been spent.

Always remember though (hence why I'm saying it again!!) - keep emotion out of it as much as you can. If you get all aggressive and angry, they get all aggressive and defensive and that just shuts the whole process down. With facts and data there's no need to get emotional - they speak for themselves and get the point across very effectively.

Goodluck with it mate. Remember that you've done nothing wrong so don't let them bully or intimidate you. Stay cool and just keep everything clear and concise.

Mate... you are a champion... That is why I have just let things go ... becauase of emotions.. but now thanks to you I will endeavor to be more professional in speaking the facts.. Thankyou once again..
How'd you go dude?

Hey Guys how are you all ?.. I wrote Tech-sport another email and followed up the next day with a phone call.. Well the account still has not been finalized ...Jeff promissed that the heasd gaskets are on there way and due this week and that as soon as they arrive my car will be finished as to finally get it out of their garage ,, Be ready for Xmas..

I also contacted my Lawyer and he is preparing a letter.. So I guess I still waiting..
I was on my way down there to retrieve my car but was warned by my laywer that it could get ugly so wait for the letter to arrive first.

Let you know as soon as I Do.. Cheers..
Just a quick note having skimmed over this thread - please keep it above board from here on in. I personally (and many others on this forum) have had Techsport work on our cars and have had no issues worthy of noting.

Having said that I understand your frustrations (I have been in a similar position with a different workshop, so have many others), but ultimately, that is between you and the workshop to sort out. From personal experience, uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts on public forums do nothing but to worsen the situation. I don't want to see this thread escalate into an outright flameage session and it will be moderated or deleted if it does as there are potential legal issues for the forum.

Shayne (ENGINR) (thanks!) has outlined the best method in moving forward with your car and the afforementioned issues, follow that process through and see how you get on.
Just a quick note having skimmed over this thread - please keep it above board from here on in. I personally (and many others on this forum) have had Techsport work on our cars and have had no issues worthy of noting.

Having said that I understand your frustrations (I have been in a similar position with a different workshop, so have many others), but ultimately, that is between you and the workshop to sort out. From personal experience, uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts on public forums do nothing but to worsen the situation. I don't want to see this thread escalate into an outright flameage session and it will be moderated or deleted if it does as there are potential legal issues for the forum.

Shayne (ENGINR) (thanks!) has outlined the best method in moving forward with your car and the afforementioned issues, follow that process through and see how you get on.

Well its obvious that YOU have as quoted above are personally attached on your response to this thread... Maybe you should read your post//from personal experience , uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts/public forums ,
prior to this response we have done nothing of the sort but shared common interest in dealing with mechanics.. : this is what forums are for , therefore it is all above ground.
Im sure if you spent over $25,000 dollars on a car and are waiting nearly 2 years you would be wanting answers on why these so called proffesional mechanics are taking you for a ride...
Well its obvious that YOU have as quoted above are personally attached on your response to this thread... Maybe you should read your post//from personal experience , uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts/public forums ,
prior to this response we have done nothing of the sort but shared common interest in dealing with mechanics.. : this is what forums are for , therefore it is all above ground.
Im sure if you spent over $25,000 dollars on a car and are waiting nearly 2 years you would be wanting answers on why these so called proffesional mechanics are taking you for a ride...

easy bro, his just doin his job as a moderator and a member of this forum....

and i see you obviously have not seen his car and how much $$$$$$$$$$ has gone into it... id do some research before cracking it at a long time respected member of this forum....
easy bro, his just doin his job as a moderator and a member of this forum....

and i see you obviously have not seen his car and how much $$$$$$$$$$ has gone into it... id do some research before cracking it at a long time respected member of this forum....

Yea no problems here .. just dont like people getting emotionally involved / or have a personal inpression on someone they do not know..
Its hard to build a full race car from any workshop without issues , This I have learnt over the years .. esp when they spend your money on other projects.. hence why they cant finish your car..
anyhow all good ..Its good to see that this forum has respected members...
I dont see GSRSOL making any judgements towards you at all?

As advised by others it is most likely best to continue on communicating to the shop directly, I think that will get you much further than a
thread on a forum....just saying.

People here are trying to help and advise you as per your request, I think if you want that sort of help to continue accross the board it might be best to just take it easy.

All the best with getting your car done mate, many people here know your pain in one form or another.
Every workshop that you could take your car to has had atleast one customer that they could not make happy but have made many other customers very happy. It does happen and it is a part of running your own business. Can not make all customers happy, and you rarely hear about how awesome a place was but you definitely hear of when things go belly up.

I have had a friend use Tech-Sport in the not so distant past and also had a poor experience with them and they are full of regret for dealing with them at all, but having said that, Dan has noted he has never had an issue. It just happens. Name a workshop that has never EVER had an unhappy customer, as it happens.

Some good advice in this thread, keep it to the facts, get EVERYTHING in writing. Keep printed copies of your emails, Dates and Times of your phone calls along with the content of the call. Note down what you had requested to be done to your car and what has been done. Get a full account of the work completed on your car so far and how much it has cost. All this information will arm you for a proper legal battle and you have shown that you have given opportunity to rectify the issues.

When it gets emotional and people decide to just bad mouth and take the car elsewhere is when you have threads full of flaming and you rarely hear the other side of the story. Good Luck with this and keep us updated on how this progresses. I am sure that Tech Sport are professional enough to do the right thing by you, but, if they don't atleast you have done the right thing.
Maybe you should read your post//from personal experience

Maybe you should try being informed instead of just opinionated.

Well its obvious that YOU have as quoted above are personally attached on your response to this thread... Maybe you should read your post//from personal experience , uncontrolled emotionally-driven outbursts/public forums ,
prior to this response we have done nothing of the sort but shared common interest in dealing with mechanics.. : this is what forums are for , therefore it is all above ground.
Im sure if you spent over $25,000 dollars on a car and are waiting nearly 2 years you would be wanting answers on why these so called proffesional mechanics are taking you for a ride...

No, that's where you are wrong. Yes, this forum is for sharing a common interest, but, this forum is NOT for one-time, non-contributory, n00bie members to run their mouths defaming an individual, group OR business.

Please understand I am not trying to say that people's experiences with workshops need to be kept to themselves, however, in your case, trying to sort out a current PERSONAL issue with a business is none of this forums business, nor will it get you anywhere in solving said issue with said business, especially in the manner in which you have dealt with the situation in this thread. You have been told which way to best deal with the situation, I advise that you do this.

Yea no problems here .. just dont like people getting emotionally involved / or have a personal inpression on someone they do not know..
anyhow all good ..

I have no emotional involvement with your situation and am glad you feel its "all good". I accept apologies publicly, via pm or email.
Have you had any progress yet? get your gear and car back and dosh yet? i am really curious as to how to went also. Being that my engine was supposedly done by them folks too and i have to say it aint exactly top notch. Hell, far from it!

obvi9ously they need to learn the english definition of "Professional." if you're evo experts and cant even get it right, how da heck you expect anyone else to take their car to your buttock?

even something simple as wiring the brake indicatoe on the dash. half the icons dont work and a couple are wired to something else. like wtf?

if you take something off someone's car, put it the fudge bAck on! unless you have prior permission. i got less an a/c and radiator fan.
so on hot days i'm fried till i get it done good and proper. and fried is the least of my problem. the mofo overheats when its really hot. thank god its zippy and i get around in good time or else i'd b like the egg on that taubmans paint commercial.

its not cheap to get someone to buy and fit and engine but if you pay someone thousands, like four or so, you'd expect a decent and proper job. but no, not these specialists. lol

also taxed my a/c pipping from condenser to cabin. dirty busters!

i hope things worked out for you and best of luck finding a proper tuner as theres so many dodgy ones as so many people i know have so many horror stories. this one kept his wrx for a whole 2 years almost. his back seats got stolen from the "tuner's" workshop and they expected him to replace it himself when they're the ones who didnt look after the car properly.
then when we finally had enough he finally supposedly "Recieved the STi engine from japan".
this "expert tuner" who once told me he does "EVERYTHING" didnt know how to put the damn thing in. my friend had to bring in another wrx for him to copy from. like wtf? you're supposed to know this **** and it dont take years to do **** like that. fine a month at worse but 2 years...
then after finish wiring everything up and supposed giving it a better tune with a few mods, my friend decided to dyno his car. see what progress he has achieved with his 15 large. took it to an independant dyno... strapped it in....

"vrooom vrooom.... ka BOOM!"

this was a couple days after he recieved the car. so he went to the "tuner" to demand his money back but nup. he claims that its not his fault because the dyno people must have done something to the car.

damn dodgy wannabe tuners!
take your car for a service there and it feels no different. he tells you how superior his "TURBO" engine oil is. pfft. one day i decided to try out a different oil and service mcar y car myself and just the better oil made such a big difference that i almost felt like a turbo virgin again as boost came on as strong as i remember when i first had the car.
even when i had an accident in my wrx, mr " i do everything" claimed he could fix and panel beat everything. fair dinkum i sAID. i'll give ya a go.
since its panel beating and not mechanicals.
i had the drivetrain and most things replaced as good as new except for a lil re-alignment needed for the chasis. hell, if i were strong enough or had decent tools could probably do it myself. but this tuner/smash repair guy couldnt do nothing. nor suggest nothing as he didnt have the pulling machine... as he put it.
dodgy ass fudges who make such big claims and cant back it up. it cost me a **** load of money to tow the car there and back and to another place. wasted so much time and money on crap mofos. at least some other people tell you straight up if they had the capabilities to do things or not... those honest ones you feel you can trust as they obviously dont make bs claims and tell you if its too big for them. its just the mr know it all and do it all who probably seem too many fast and furious videos they think they can do it too.
or just to boast "yeah, i worked on this car, that car".

people like them that waste pplz times and money should sign a thing that states that if they cant back up their claim, you have the right to physically harm them if you feel the need if they dont reimburse all your funds back if they cant back up the claim. otherwise you can chop, shoot, punch the crap out of them without them being able to charge or sue you or anything as they brought it upon themselves.


thats how i feel sometimes when them bastards do that **** to ur pride and joy then steal from you and not give you anything back.


just my two cents.... blabbered two cents, but two cents none the less :D
WTF? :blink:

Nothing you wrote up there makes any sense at all. Also - this thread has been inactive since early December last year. No harm in asking if there's an update, but don't just jump in with a whole heap of "wishy-washy-woolly-waffle" which just comes across as random ranting and includes comments around physically harming people etc etc. Ask the simple question and see what the response is.

We're all interested in your experiences and opinions on this forum (and you'll find that most of us are nice guys), we just ask that you please present them in a comprehensive and concise way in the appropriate thread (proper spelling and grammer also helps!) and refrain from making comments which suggest physical harm or violence against others.

Get your post count up the right way and contribute something of value to the forum - posts with the content like the one above don't do anything to help!

Just my 2 cents.
haha good point. i geuss i kind of get carried away at times with the ranting. though as post counts are really quite an insignifcant point and if that was my point i would have seperated that one post into a few different posts and so on, but yes i do agree with the rest of what you said. :wub:

i guess after hearing what he went through and then thinking back about how disappointed with their work too i was, though i cant be anywhere near as pissy as i imagine he may be.

Though early december last year isn't really too long ago when you think about it. A couple of months for trying to take things through the legal path seems reasonable and i was just wondering if he got any progress with it.

About the grammer and spelling - when ranting I at times forget to check myself. which makes me feel all the more the fool when i think back about it. hmm... i recall i commented on another thread about something along those lines and i think i did state that it's a "no-no" for reasons i dont think anyone reading this part of the forum would be interested in. Also something i said to someone else but i'll leave it as that.

The threat wasnt really a threat but more a suggestive idea, of sorts. i didn't say "Yo, i'm gonna drive-by you" or nothing like that. just a bad brainstorm that may have come out wrong?

But seriously, Yes, thanks. you obviously are right about what you said. i really did get carried away a lil toooo much. my apologies if it came across the wrong way.

my bad, lads.
Hey Everyone how are you all , Hope you had a great Xmas and new year,
Well yes I finally got my car back with help from my lawyers.. and all I have to say is WOW .. car is still not finished It cost me Sh_t loads ,Got charged By a dozen or so wounded bulls, Had to get the car retunned -- so on so on the lists is enormous.. the build with suspension , motor , rear diff all up so far has costed me $49,000 or more ... I should have bought a crate motor from the states..

Anyhow they are a joke.. But I have not finished Yet.. Ill let you know..
Hey everyone how are you,, I have not been on this site for ages , been on shut down work so no time for anything.. as for an update on my car well it made 525kw@ wheels on 1.9 bar on race fuel.. its still not right as the way the dump and screamer is set up it still is restricting so more development by AMS HAS PROVEN WE CAN PRODUCE 20% MORE FLOW so we think around 600kw @ wheels will be possible.
I finally got the car home and have removed the interior for weight reduction and we are still waiting for more parts to arrive from AMS.
Iwill give you all an update on the final set up once its right for the track.I am currently looking for a 6 speed seq box if anyone knows of one.. looked at hollinger so far am keeping an open mind.
Can anyone tell me if the evo club in melbourne is still around?? cheers happy motoring...
525kw atw!? Wow!! What's the power curve look like on the dyno chart? It'd be almost vertical wouldn't it? Would love to see a copy.