^^^ I have a GTA now also. New box to mod ;-)
You teaser ;-) Yeah Miodrag & I got together & my RVR HSG auto runs switchable tcu dual tables.
I wrote 2 new tables for power & ecconomy & Miodrag the PC guru wrote them on a 16bit chip.
My new minimum upshifts in crawling traffic at 5% throttle are 22/35/48 in auto mode.
So it holds gears until my new set minimum speeds. Wot is ecc 6k & pow 7k.
Kickdowns I wrote are at 65-70% throttle to suit my dicky right foot.
While slowing down for lights etc, I made the tables downshift for me >3 >2 >1
The bin file to read the chip I was given from a fella & it is to be kept private.
But Miodrag can write chips for tcus here. Ecc/power or even ecc/race can be switched on the fly.
This is my console with mirrors, auto/man, pow/ecc & cruise control