WSID Sunday Street Meet Feb 19th


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The boys wanna go so as long as Im feeling well on the day.
If so, it'll be on like Donkey Kong B)
Oh and yeah, its only running a street tune and my current gearbox doesnt like shifting above 6500rpm so dont expect anything too quick :lol:
Did you have 2 helmets?
I can not wait for this, fingers crossed weather holds out!

Rob i will have a second driver that can drive my car for me if you dont feel the best.
cant this weekend funds wont Allow gotta fix exhaust leak and lhf calipar is sticking from ****** flexi hose. but gunna do a wednesday night shortly.
Yeah bring the VII out Benny :)
It'll be the first time I take the coupe out on the track. Im not expecting much out of this street tune, but as long as I beat a certain purple coupe thats all that matters ;)
I reckon anything around 110-120mph would be a safe bet to stick it to him :lol:
I can prob expect to see many side by side battles down the straight for sure!

Are you guys driving down together?
I think this may be a blue car v purple car day rob! frank really needs a touch up in his taxi, think his head is getting too big :D

Ben we will be driving down all together as far as i know...
The Gsr.. Oh that other car in the garage still done nothing to it in a while

Been working on my gen 2 liberty just putting in a version 8 sti forged 2.1 stroker so once that is finished will be all hands in deck for the gsr
My Mrs and 3 kids are going and I think they will be going in Frankies Commodore.
So I dare say I'll have to meet him at Wallsend that morning, or at Mik-e's house.
PS: I thought it was Benny in the white EVO VII!!!! lol
Yeah doesn't worry me prob easy for me at mik-es place also I'll be in the van if there is anything you wants throw in the back?