WTB: Manual Gearbox RVR Hyper Sports Gear R


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Sep 26, 2012
Oosterbeek, The Netherlands
I'm in need of a gearbox for my RVR HSG-R.

Found out that my centre diff is shot and beyond repair.
There were parts inside the gearbox that we couldn't trace back to being RVR parts.
We don't know any more what to replace to get it working again except for everything.
Therefore we gave up on fixing the current gearbox and just follow the advice Mr. Gears gave me. Get an other one.

Is there anyone that can help me get a manual gearbox for my HSG-R.
Gearbox code is: W5M33-2-UMGL

For further details give me a shout.
I know shipping something that big and heavy can be quite costly.
But I think I don't have much options here.
Running a car this rare over here could become expensive I knew that from the beginning. Didn't expect it to start so soon though.

I've got family living in Australia that offered me to send parts trough to the Netherlands.
Eventually I have an address in Australia to send it to. I'll have to ask them if they are still willing to do that for me.
If you can get me the info from your other thread I can help identify what you currently have and all you will need to buy is just internal parts.
@White Knight.
I'm very interested none the less. I'm trying to find out what the shipping costs will be over sea. I don't mind the wait. By air would be very, very expensive. (over €600 expensive)

I'm not familiar with australian freight companies. Are there that ship by ship?
Don't ship one item by ship. You get charged for a pallet. Even though it seems inexpensive in shipping costs, just be careful what your own country will charge you when it arrives on shore.
e.g. I purchased a front bar from Malaysia for say $150. Shipping was $300 to Australia. Then broker fees, GST, fumigation, Tariffs, Admin fees, you name it were thrown on top costing me $1000 more in stupid red tape!
So that $150 front bar cost me about $1400 to get it into my garage. That was a lesson learned! Especially when aeroplane was going to cost $900, it would have been quicker and cheaper to go by plane. hahaha
Gearbox dead weight on a skid will be 50kg total (Ive weighed it before, depend son size of skid)
Dimensions will be approx. 50 long, x 50 wide x 40 high.
That will cover it.
Jacks will do gear clusters. They are way smaller. I dont know if that would suit you.

Yea, shipping is funny here, plenty of costs. Would probably be a extra $1k on top of purchase to get a gearbox shipped to aus.
That sux oox,