Ben do you have an existing GSR passenger side driveshaft because you can still use it.
If so, I have a 4G63 hanger bracket here that you press off your existing GSR hanger bracket and press on the 4G63 hanger bracket. You will also need a $10 bearing from Repco or SuperCheap Auto as well. Part number 6206 sealed bearing.
I just sold a hanger bracket today to Jamo for $50 and still have another one left I will let go at the same price. I think that will be my last one...
Also Angelo still owes me a 4G63 passenger side driveshaft in return for an EVO unit I gave him recently.
His existing one has a dud bearing or bracket on it and thats why he wanted my spare evo unit. When he returns me his existing one, I can put a new bearing and bracket on the shaft and will sell it.