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New sponsor - ECMTuning

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    Ye Olde Member

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Hi Everyone,

On behalf of the forum I'd like to welcome ECMTuning to the forum. Thomas has been providing quality tuning products for 10 years now in the US. Please make him feel welcome and consider his products in the future.

All the best Thomas!

The Team4G Team.

Flying Eagle

Flying Eagle


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There are so many ECU's that can be tuned with this software, and so many options to use with them, that you can't go wrong.  I am currently running a Full V3 setup in my C53a, 6 bolt VR4 motor swap.  I don't even use half the features that are available, like speed density, but it is worth every penny and then some.  If you are thinking about investing in the product, check out their wiki site too, as you will need some background to make the transition smooth and identify all the variables with your components, like injectors.  Lots of videos are popping up, beyond the ones they show on their site (linked/imbedded), so it helps a great deal for first time users.

1989 "Silver Bullet" Plymouth Colt Turbo 4G61T w/4G63T swap

White Knight

White Knight

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Welcome Thomas!

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