Mitsubishi / Proton genuine parts interchangability


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Feb 23, 2006

I'm finishing up my project in the (not too distant) future, and need to get some new genuine external parts, like door and boot seals, external door trim lips, roof strips, etc.

I know a lot of Proton Wira extrnal parts are interchangeable with CC sedans, and are a fraction of the price.

Now in order to make ordering easier I need the part #s of the components I want. My questions are:

1/ Where can I get a CC sedan fische that I can use to get Mitsubishi part#s
2/ Where can I get a Proton Wira fische to compare prices of similar parts
3/ Is there somewhere online where I can buy genuine parts (eg USA/Japan) for cheaper?

getting genuine proton parts from Malaysia is alot cheaper than here. even with shipping. thats all i know. and long time no see buddy
Ricki, it's been a while man how's your hatch coming along?! Widebody forever! haha

Anyway, you got any details on Malaysian gen parts contacts??
proton i beleive for most parts uses the same part numbers as mitsubishi so try a google search for the after sales support application.

i had it hosted on my own server for this very reason so people could access it but unfortunately it's down atm. (i should realy get around to fixing it.)
majority of proton part numbers start with the prefix PWXXXXXX although some do share the same as mitsubishi MB/MD/MR prefixes>

Best way to price them from proton is from a dealer here by calling them up. I have yet to find an epc for their parts online.

Also you might find it hard to believe, but its cheaper to buy genuine proton parts from here, rather than malaysia .... as I got prices from over there and it works out more expensive ... because the tax rate over there on new parts from dealers are sky high. Normally what the price in Ringgit is , you divide it by 3 to convert it to AUS $'s but thats not including tax and the shipping of course.

To source the original mitsi part numbers on here (AMAYAMA) ... simply type in the Chassis code EG: CD5A for a GSR and work your way up to finding the parts your after with a price listed once you click on the part number. Remember to select $AUD before hand. I have compared these guys prices to mitsi dealers here and found them to be cheaper on most parts.
Thanks guys, much appreciated!

At first all this part# BS is a bit overwhelming (PNC# vc OEM PN) but it makes sense!

If anyone doesn't have CAPS/ASA and wants a visual representation of what the items on look like, check out this site:

Basically Russian database for OEM parts for all car manufacturers. I don't know how accurate it is, but just did some cross referincing CE9A p/n's and it came out OK!

I am wrecking a 1995 Proton wira. I used the roof panel of it. I you need doors let me know or other bits.