Fitting an EVO4 steering wheel


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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
I recently got hold of an EVO4 steering wheel and thought (as I always do) should be a straight swap into the GSR. Clearly I have not done too many mods.... LOL

Anyway, got it done and thought the following might be of minor interest (sadly this does not add kilowatts...)

1st and 2nd photos shows the issue, as the power contact ring does not exist on the EVO4 wheel.

Next few shots show the contact ring cut out and attached to the EVO4 wheel.

Final few show wheel fitted and last two show access hole without, and with, grommet fitted (for the anal retentive type, like me, this is an important detail... LOL!).

Verdict? Sooo much better than the factory wheel, and oddly satisfying to bodge up the power supply for the horn.


  • Back of old wheel, showing power supply ring.jpg
    Back of old wheel, showing power supply ring.jpg
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  • Back of EVO4 wheel.jpg
    Back of EVO4 wheel.jpg
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  • Power contact ring cut out of old wheel.jpg
    Power contact ring cut out of old wheel.jpg
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  • Back of EVO4 wheel with contact ring attached.jpg
    Back of EVO4 wheel with contact ring attached.jpg
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  • New wheel fitted and power hooked up for horn.jpg
    New wheel fitted and power hooked up for horn.jpg
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  • New wheel fitted.jpg
    New wheel fitted.jpg
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  • Attachment screw for front cover of wheel.jpg
    Attachment screw for front cover of wheel.jpg
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  • Access hole plugged v3.jpg
    Access hole plugged v3.jpg
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maddog said:
hi mate, how much would you want for the evo 4 steering wheel?
Hey mate, I'm not sure if mines an evo 4 wheel but it's basically the same, it just has a ralli art badge instead of momo. It's in good Nic for age, is missing the plugs that old mate posted above but to be honest I've never seen a car with them lol. The only one for sale on eBay is $600 or so but I didn't pay that much. Make me an offer :)
Re " missing the plugs that old mate posted above but to be honest I've never seen a car with them lol."

These were 3/4 inch grommets from autobarn, $5 a packet...