055 MAF wiring into VR4


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Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
Okay ive been having some issues with my 4G63T Galant GSR- last week I had some 272/272 cams installed, along with a 2G (055) MAF, 800cc injectors, new intake pipe and a chipped ECU.

The symptoms are almost like having spent leads and plugs, but obviously they have been replaced, along with the coil pack.

Before I go and replace the ECU with a stock one, and change injectors- I was thinking I should triple check the wiring for the 055 AFM I did.

I used the VFAQ as a guide, here's a simplified version that I made:


Now, the only wire that arent marked idetically is 1) Idle position switch on the 1G plug, and 7) Volume air flow sensor reset signal on the 2G plug. These are supposed to be connected together, even though they seem like they do totally different things???

This is the way I did it:

1 - 4
2 - 7
3 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 6
6 - 8
7 - 1
8 - 5

This looks correct right? Would the car even run if I did manage to **** the wiring up??

check this.. also have you modded the wiring on the ignitor plug?


1 - Idle position switch
2 - Air flow sensor (signal)
3 - MPI control relay
4 - 5V power supply
5 - None
6 - Ground
7 - Barometric pressure sensor
8 - Intake air temperature


1 - Air flow sensor (signal)
2 - MPI control relay
3 5V power supply
4 Ground
5 Barometric pressure
6 - Intake air temperature


1 5V Power supply
2 Barometric pressure
3 Air flow sensor
4 MPI control relay
5 Ground
6 Intake air temperature
7 Volume Air Flow


Pin2 1g Turbo MAF => Pin1 1g NT MAF
Pin3 1g Turbo MAF => Pin2 1g NT MAF
Pin4 1g Turbo MAF => Pin3 1g NT MAF
Pin6 1g Turbo MAF => Pin4 1g NT MAF
Pin7 1g Turbo MAF => Pin5 1g NT MAF
Pin8 1g Turbo MAF => Pin6 1g NT MAF


Pin1 1g Turbo MAF => N/A
Pin2 1g Turbo MAF => Pin3 2g Turbo MAF
Pin3 1g Turbo MAF => Pin4 2g Turbo MAF
Pin4 1g Turbo MAF => Pin1 2g Turbo MAF
Pin5 1g Turbo MAF => N/A
Pin6 1g Turbo MAF => Pin5 2g Turbo MAF
Pin7 1g Turbo MAF => Pin2 2g Turbo MAF
Pin8 1g Turbo MAF => Pin6 2g Turbo MAF

Hope this helps
don't worry bout it :) , it's only if your using an ignitor plug to connect to ur 055 maf as they are the same style of plug
CLuTZ said:
1 - 4
2 - 7
3 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 6
6 - 8
7 - 1
8 - 5
Yushman said:

Pin1 1g Turbo MAF => N/A
Pin2 1g Turbo MAF => Pin3 2g Turbo MAF
Pin3 1g Turbo MAF => Pin4 2g Turbo MAF
Pin4 1g Turbo MAF => Pin1 2g Turbo MAF
Pin5 1g Turbo MAF => N/A
Pin6 1g Turbo MAF => Pin5 2g Turbo MAF
Pin7 1g Turbo MAF => Pin2 2g Turbo MAF
Pin8 1g Turbo MAF => Pin6 2g Turbo MAF

So by going off what you wrote above, I shouldnt have the 2G pin 7 and the 1G pin 1 connected together? Do they not get connected to anything??

The VFAQ is somewhat confusing!
Dre this is the table on Vfaq that I used to do mine. Made it quite easy to do!
It is located further down the page on vfaq from the info you posted.

Don't try to work from what I have posted here, print the vfaq page out and work from that. Good luck with it :)

Here are the wire colors for the 2G MAF, late 1G transistor plug, and 2G transistor plug. For the transistor plugs, the first row is the stock wiring configuration, the second is after you have moved the wire in position 8 to position 5. Pictured is an empty plug, and a late 1G Transistor plug.
2G MAF Plug
wiring 1 - GY 2 - O 3 - LY 4 - R 5 - B 6 - RL 7 - RW 8 - None
Stock late 1G
Power Transistor
Plug wiring 1 - YB 2 - YR 3 - B 4 - W 5 - None 6 - BW 7 - Y 8 - YG
Modified Power
Plug wiring 1 - YB 2 - YR 3 - B 4 - W 5 - YG 6 - BW 7 - Y 8 - None
Stock 2G Power
Plug wiring 1 - LB 2 - BrR 3 - B 4 - W 5 - None 6 - BW 7 - BL 8 - BW
Modified 2G
Power Transistor
Plug wiring 1 - LB 2 - BrR 3 - B 4 - W 5 - BW 6 - BW 7 - BL 8 - None
Plug wiring 1 - GR 2 - P 3 - WB 4 - R 5 - B 6 - RB 7 - L 8 - None
TEL wiring 4 - GR 7 - GY 2 - GL 3 - R 6 - GB 8 - GO 1 - GW NA
GVR4 wiring 4 - GR 7 - GY 2 - GL 3 - R 6 - GB 8 - GO 1 - GY NA
Remember not to mix up the 2 GY wires on the GVR4!

So what do all those letters mean? Here's the factory wire color table:
Code Color Code Color Code Color Code Color Code Color
B Black Br Brown G Green Gr Grey L Blue
Lg Lt green O Orange P Pink R Red Sb Lt blue
V Violet W White Y Yellow
Okay you guys are making this waaaaay more confusing than it needs to be!

CLuTZ: what you've done (mentioned in your first post) is correct (as per vfaq, i've done mine the same and it works fine)

therefore: either you have a bad connection, or your problem lies elsewhere.
VR-4Squid said:
Okay you guys are making this waaaaay more confusing than it needs to be!

CLuTZ: what you've done (mentioned in your first post) is correct (as per vfaq, i've done mine the same and it works fine)

therefore: either you have a bad connection, or your problem lies elsewhere.

Thanks. FYI tim, I used a magna AFM plug, and NONE of those colours on the colour charts match it. Going off the colours is hell confusing- much easier doing it one by one, using the old and new wire positions.

I just wanted to see if it was done correctly- thanks for your input guys

CLuTZ said:
VR-4Squid said:
Okay you guys are making this waaaaay more confusing than it needs to be!

CLuTZ: what you've done (mentioned in your first post) is correct (as per vfaq, i've done mine the same and it works fine)

therefore: either you have a bad connection, or your problem lies elsewhere.

Thanks. FYI tim, I used a magna AFM plug, and NONE of those colours on the colour charts match it. Going off the colours is hell confusing- much easier doing it one by one, using the old and new wire positions.

I just wanted to see if it was done correctly- thanks for your input guys


I used a v3000 AFM plug on mine too, I know whatcha mean about the wire colours :?
CLuTZ said:
Okay ive been having some issues with my 4G63T Galant GSR- last week I had some 272/272 cams installed, along with a 2G (055) MAF, 800cc injectors, new intake pipe and a chipped ECU.

So do I have 800cc injectors on my car Dre? Lol, I thought they were 510cc.
MDK87 said:
CLuTZ said:
Okay ive been having some issues with my 4G63T Galant GSR- last week I had some 272/272 cams installed, along with a 2G (055) MAF, 800cc injectors, new intake pipe and a chipped ECU.

So do I have 800cc injectors on my car Dre? Lol, I thought they were 510cc.

They are 510cc's. I had issues with how rich it was running on the chip I had at the time, so went back to 510's

Completed the wiring as per Dre's 1st post and now the vr4 is running on 2 cylinders :unsure:

Sorry, it is only #3 not firing. All plugs and coils tested, however #3 will still not fire. The only thing that has changed is the MAF wiring.
I had a similar thing when I first did the conversion, and it turned out my AFM was stuffed. Have you tried another??
Dre, from your 1st post, you have conected everything correctly.
However, did you join joined the wires using solder.

Best thing to do when converting is:

Connect the new plug in parallel with the old one.
Just strip the wire bare(do not cut) further back from the plug.
Then solder the new plug wiring to match and taped up(insulate).

This way you can plug, unplug between new and old MAF for trouble shooting purposes.