May be taking the plunge, opinions??


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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
Hey guys, so i'm thinking about changing camps and went and had a look at a HSG. Off to a great start when the dealer couldn't get it started, wasted my lunch hour waiting, they put new plugs in, but I doubt they were correct, had two young blokes there sounding like they knew what was going on but not having much of an idea.
Finally got it started as I wanted to see it cold start, bit of white smoke and unburnt fuel but it settled after a few seconds, so at least nothing major or terminal so far. Will be interesting to see how it goes on boost.
The car is this one,
I'll be trading in my 91 soarer on it but after seeing it struggle to start, and it being out of rego, I may just walk away, not sure just yet.
Taking it for a spin tomorrow and will see what it's like. Got plenty of bargaining power as the brake pads are nearly to the metal, interior is missing a lot of things, and the there is some weird wiring going on with what looks to be a push switch stashed under the dash that may have activated an overboost or something. The motor struggling to start and someone running the tank dry helps too as the fuel pump may be sick.
Something interesting I noticed was that the engine plate and the sticker on the bonnet both said the motor was a 4G63, not a 4G63T, definately a turbo in there, is there a difference between the two or is the T optional?
Using the 6/7 bolt sump shape check it appears it may be a 6 bolt as it has the pushy out sump end rather than the v shaped pushy in sump. ( Technical jargon going on there!)
I like the car and I know the 4g is a tough motor and fairly reliable, my wife will be using it for the majority of the time and she needs something tough and reliable.
Any pointers or suggestions on things to look for would be appreciated. I have checked the roof, the sills, oil cap and dipstick, power steering fluid, coolant and brake fluid, all are clear and clean, no brown water or any milky residue.
The compliance plate and vin etc all match up.
There is an after market 2.5/3" exhaust on it that has seen better days and the rear is missing the spare wheel carrier and the front left hand guard mirror has been taken off too.
Paint seems to be clean with no repair areas or masking lines that I can see, the graphics are consistent.
Not sure what else I can check but until I drive no idea yet.
They did say something about the waste gate spitting a ball bearing??? Replaced it but at 6500rpm the car shuts down, apparently may be an intermittent electrical fault. I'll take it to there and see if I can notice anything, but I didn't know the wastegate could spit a ball bearing?? thought it was just a spring loaded hinge that opened under boost pressure the spring is rated for??
You're looking for something reliable and tough for the misses? Mate, walk away and don't look back, for the price they are asking and even if you get money knocked off that thing sounds like a heap of sh%t just waiting for someone to spend money on, believe me when i say that you are looking in all the right places but from what you have found it sounds like you'll be spending more money on it than is worth your while. DON'T LOOK BACK
depends how mechanically minded you are too, i'd want a comp. test done and be interested in the cond. of the gearbox, cos everything else can be fixed relatively easy, thats IF you got some mehanical skills,
price wise, in all honesty, i'd go as high as 3500- 4k no reg or rwc probly not even 4,
otherwise not worth ya while
As a former HSG RVR owner... Im pretty sure HSG's come only black and white in color. My thoughts are this RVR was originally a SSG at one time and now at some stage has been mocked up to a HSG ... adding the body kit/front bar on, perhaps going from NA to turbo or if already a turbo version, swapped from top mount cooler to a front mount set up, had a interior change over and some HSG decals slapped on it. The fact of the green/grey duco and that the rear bumper bar and tailgate isn't the HSG spare wheel carrier type leads me to believe this. Also I totally agree with what the other members have said in regards to buying a lemon. Personally I wouldn't look at it again... just leave it at the caryard and walk away... well thats my 2 cents worth.
hey guys, thanks heaps for the replies.
I'm fairly mechanically minded BYBY5L, I've rebuilt a few motorbikes and am currently restoring an old valiant and worked on quite a few cars over the years.
I just have a bad track record of impulse buying and live to regret it. I wanted a 180 and bought a soarer instead that I hate with a passion hence the trade in.
I've always wanted an evo after driving a tme 6.5 and this came up with a reason to swap the soarer for. Not quite an evo but close enough for now and it's practical enough for my wife and kids.
4G's are meant to be super tough and my wife bless her soul has the touch of death when it comes to cars. This at first glance was about right, No way I was paying over $4k for it as it is.
Progsr I have to agree with your assesment, the motor is definately a younger motor and is not what came with the car, after checking the compliance plate etc.
They were throwing around some big names in the tuning arena down here that apparently looked the car over and gave it an A ok.
Luckily I know people who know people haha so I can check out their statements.
I'll give him a ring and say i'll take it for a straight swap but no chance will I be laying down cash.
My mate works at RACT and he can hook me up with a full vehicle inspection to get things tested properly and I'll know what i'm up for.
good info there rob an po55um, dont know a great deal about hsg vs ssg, if i go look at one rob, ill have to drag you along!
Hahaha just rang them up,I pointed out that on the vin plate and compliance plate and the stickers on the bonnet it lists the engine as a 4g63 which was the NA version and the colour scheme is off by a year or so,it went from being a 96 to 98 model, definately a HSG hands down, definately running full evo gear, blah blah, I said I'd take it for a run on monday but my offer was a straight swap with rego on it, so they have to fix anything that won't let it pass rego inspection and I'm assuming there will be a bit to get it passed.
it's SSG, HSG built in 1997 only

Incorrect ... mine was a genuine white HSG RVR with only 40,000kms back in 2006 when I purchased it from an importer here and on its built plate date was 1996 .... also just before I bought mine, I had looked at a black HSG and it was of 1996 build too.
Thanks guys the info is much appreciated!
There is nothing like sitting in the val, it just has a presence on the road, big wide and solid!
So an update.
Went today to have a test drive and another chat with the guys.
Car started first time this time, some smoke on idle.
While warming up with AC on, the idle would drop to an almost stall, once the ac was turned off, the idle would drop intermittently but not enough to be near stall.
Took it for a drive and was pleasantly surprised.
Seating position was nice, recaros were comfortable, plenty of vision around the vehicle and it handled surprisingly well.
Felt nimble and well balanced.
The gear shifts were smooth and clean even under load up and down the shifts, it did blow white smoke at first while idling at the lights, but that lessened to a small amount of white smoke and a bit of black smoke while under boost.
Boost levels were ordinary and I suspect a leak or the turbo is on it's way out hence the white smoke.
I managed to track down the local tuner mechanic whose name the dealers son dropped like crazy, will have a chat to him tomorrow about the vehicle, they other guy I spoke to remembered the vehicle but couldn't be a hundred percent about what was done/needed.
I kinda wish I hadn't driven it as I really really enjoyed it ahaha
I left them with my offer of a straight swap with rego for my soarer, which is about right considering the k's are the same, both turbos are rebuilt, highflowed and steel wheeled and it's definately putting more power to the ground than the rvr.
I strongly dislike the soarer so a swap with some minor work to be done is making it a bit more attractive.
I did some detective work on the chassis number and colour chart as well. The tyre sticker names the car as sports gear and the motor being a 4g63 after talking to the mitsubishi dealer said it would have been the forged turbo motor from the evo's but with a different turbo.
My research points to the turbo being smaller and the motor a little underpowered, apparently the turbo should be a TD04HL.
The colour codes on the plate match the colours listed and the cars colour, unfortunately being an import the mitsubishi guys couldn't track down the VIN.
So I think for where i'm at with a straight swap i'd be happy. Here's hoping they come back with an affirmative or a reasonable offer.
Any advice on the smoke? The last time I saw smoke like it was just before the twins let go on the soarer and I left a cloud of white smoke you could have seen from the space station!
Just some clarification. .the evo motor is not forged from the factory. So the mitsubishi dealer you spoke to has been on the magic mushrooms again.