OK, attached is my first ever dyno with a GT3040 turbo (GT30R), 0.82 rear, 98 pump. Same power figure as yours 292/293kw at the same 26psi boost level. This also had Crower 280 cams at the time so it is probably a good graph to compare yours too. The tuner wasn't a magician and didn't spent much time on it with advancing timings or anything, he just did a normal tune as my car just came out of a run-in street tune and this was its first time on a dyno and taken up to this boost level. I also included a Youtube video for you
Other factors: GVR4 engine, Magnus intake, 3" icoola piping and large runner custom steampipe manifold. 1mm oversize valves.
If I had the choice to do it all again I wouldn't go 3" piping or larger diameter runners. I would go 2.5" icoola piping, smaller diameter exhaust manifold runners and a 0.63 rear housing to provide much better response on a street car on 98 pump. BUT, the 0.82 rear did provide some other benefits.
After this dyno and all the hype about the GT3040 being a mix-matched turbo and 280 cams being too big, the GT3040 and cams were swapped out to a GTX3076R and to Kelford TX272 high lift cams. The result??? I actually lost power down low all the way up to 5400rpm when the GTX and Kelfords seemed to gain the better ground right up to 8000rpm. Yeah outright power increased from mid to top end, but the GT3040 and 280 cams had made the same power at 500-600rpm sooner than the GTX3076 and Kelfords 272's did!! Go figure.
I can drive on the street off-boost no worries on 98 pump making 330kw @ 30psi boost last year. It sounded lumpy and mean and was quite pleasant and dare I say 'economical' to drive off-boost. If I wanted power I would drop down a gear and floor it. Once you're at WOT and shifting gears at 8000rpm power figures below 5400rpm don't mean **** because you never see below that rpm between shifts. It was more of an outright straight line, get to speed fast kind of setup at WOT. On the highways overtaking it was very surprising how just dropping it back a gear and flooring it would see the car build boost and overtake very easily and surprise yourself when you see where the needle was on the speedo. Is it fun? Only where you can use it and have a lot of space in front of you because in 3rd gear you're already at highway speeds and by mid 4th gear you're around 160-180kmh and changing into 5th a little past 200kmh.
There's a difference between 'fast' and 'quick'. Fast is when you're more interested in getting the most outright speed in a straight line over a long distance. Quick is when you're more interested in getting to a reasonably fast speed in a sooner time frame with better throttle response. On a street car in the city 'quick' is usually chosen because its more fun, especially for a daily driver because outright speed doesnt even come into the equation because there is nowhere to use it.