Event (Vic) Committee Meeting 1 - Jan 13th 2010
Present: Entaran, GSRSOL, Gooch, dougmo
Absent: brettu26 (Apologies given)
Topics Covered:
Track day strategic direction
Possible venues for events
Type of and demand for events possible/feasible
Informal gathering over dinner
Key Points:
1. Committee Finalised
2. Sub-committee's outlined
3. Initial direction outlined
4. Initial concerns outlined
5. Brief discussion about CAMS Affiliation
6. Timelines discussed w/goals set
7. Other sundry matters
Relevant Information:
1. Committee Finalised
For all events to be organised by 4GTuners as a club in an official capacity, the committee of organisation where applicable will be the current Club Events Committee. As the members who make up this group may change over time, the current group of members can be found within the Official Events section of the forum.
2. Sub-Committee's
In organising events of the magnitude of organised track outings and other large scale, time intensive pursuits the committee realises that aid will be required by various volunteers in areas of specific interest to the event being held. These may include but are not limited to; Catering, Marketing, Volunteers, Race. Specific requirements of each sub-committee (if any) will be outlined on a case by case basis for each event. Each sub-committee will be made up of a group of volunteers which will also be event specific.
3. Initial direction
The committee has recognised a need for driver training prior to an intensive race event being held. Along this line of thought, provision has been made to organise driver training events prior to holding a purposeful racing event.
4. Initial concerns
The committee has addressed a series of initial concerns regarding driver training, safety, financial matters and track availability. More information will be released as resolutions are met.
The committee at this time recognises that there is no immediate need to incorporate 4GTuners nor become a CAMS affiliate. This is subject to review at a later date.
6. Timelines
A timeline for events has been listed with the first events to be held in the first half of 2010 with another event following at not more than six months afterwards. This timeline will repeat as much as is feasible (A major event every six months or less). The first major event has been set down to be a driver education day.
7. Sundry Affairs
Various sundry matters were discussed by the committee in relation to a large number of smaller concerns. As required these matters will be outlined and released for further discussion.
The full meeting took just over two hours for anyone who is interested to know.
Specific details can be obtained by PMing me. Not all matters discussed will be released in detail as we would still like to suprise you guys from time to time