93' GSR 4G93T Rev Issues?


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Aug 18, 2011
Victoria, AU
Hey guys; Just wanting to know. Do the 4G93T engines have Rev issues? I've had mine for quite some time now; and I remember in my brother's Evo 6 it had NO issues getting up there to the red line; but in the GSR it goes very slowly like any normal car; and from my past experience i was under the impression the GSR loved to scream!

Is this normal?
I don't think it should struggle gaining rpm. Is it hitting boost? I remember my motor (63t) would struggle to get over 6k. So I then adjusted cas and it ran alot better.
Well, not so much struggling. It gets up to 8k fairly firmly; but i don't know what to expect... Should i be expecting it to be like getting up there immediately or will it just stay firm from 1 - 8k? It does hit boost; but i'm not running a Boost controller or anything it's just the stock 10PSI.
with std turbo,boost drops away after 4.5k rpm...then they start to slow down a bit.

it will gain revs harder with more boost behind it....but the turbo is a bit small to make it go hard to 8k
If it's boosting you should feel it kick in the die off a little. If it's constant all the way through from 1-8 tells me your not building noticeable boost. Have you checked for leaks at all?
You shouldn't be revving a '93T to 8k RPM unless you have a turbo, cams and tune to get it there!

Please don't say you've been getting 8k out of a TD04?
You shouldn't be revving a '93T to 8k RPM unless you have a turbo, cams and tune to get it there!

Please don't say you've been getting 8k out of a TD04?

why mate :blink:? a standard tune...turbo..and cams will all get you there. Wont make any power after 6500 but it will get there....is there something I am missing ?
Yeah I worded it a bit bad...!

Why you'd rev a car 1500 rpm more than when you can feel the power drop off is pointless really....
So what are you boys thinking the problem is. Jman. Think you can get us a video of instrument cluster whilst driving?

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