AutoSpeed EVO9 Article


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Jun 14, 2005
Melbourne, VIC
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Enhanced Evo 9
We test MRT's XB upgrade for the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo....9 - Enhanced Evo 9.pdf
im confused
they say it runs 13.6 stock

people in america have been running consistent mid to high 12's stock with the evo 9

and with a tune and exhaust, running 11s
Maybe there quarter mile is shorter lol

Or maybe they use better fuel over there im sure it would have a better octain rating. its like when you get a car straigh from japan it has some real good go juice (113 octaine) in it and thats there standard fuel then we put our 100 (our best fuel lol) in it andtheres a good chance of detornation my 2cents.
maccavr4 said:
Maybe there quarter mile is shorter lol

Or maybe they use better fuel over there im sure it would have a better octain rating. its like when you get a car straigh from japan it has some real good go juice (113 octaine) in it and thats there standard fuel then we put our 100 (our best fuel lol) in it andtheres a good chance of detornation my 2cents.

********, ******** again.

USA RON: 87 (standard), 91 (Premium), 95 (Top notch)

JAPAN RON: 93 (Standard), 96 (Premium), 99/100 (Top Notch, depending on fuel company)

AUS RON: 91 (Standard), 95 (Premium), 98 (Better again!), 100 (Selected Shell Optimax outlets)
Lorrie the USA doesn't use RON as the standard measure of octane rating, they use PON which is the average on RON and MON.

Since MON is commonly tested differently to RON the octane rating is 8 - 10 points lower.

Using the average we find that the 95 octane fuel in the states is more like 98 - 100n RON.

Sheesh! I hope I typed all of the so it makes sense!

Here is a link in case I cocked it up :)
ok i stand corected i heard from a very reliable sorce (high octain ketzel sterling) that japans fuel is about 113ish and is far bettter then aussie

hence the reason in japan a standard evo8 pulled a 12.3 in the wet up a slight hill and i have this on dvd
and a mild tunned one with pod and exaust pulled a mid to high 11
brisvr4 said:
Lorrie the USA doesn't use RON as the standard measure of octane rating, they use PON which is the average on RON and MON.

Since MON is commonly tested differently to RON the octane rating is 8 - 10 points lower.

Using the average we find that the 95 octane fuel in the states is more like 98 - 100n RON.

Sheesh! I hope I typed all of the so it makes sense!

Here is a link in case I cocked it up :)

I beg to differ here. I gave RON ratings because they are the equivalents of whatever the hell measurement system the yanks use.

If you look closely at vehicles released from Japan into the USDM market they always run less boost and are detuned to suit the pathetic fuel quality.
Entaran said:
bazeng said:
ive also heard a similar thing
92 us RON is like 98 AU RON...

not sure if its true or not

It's not.

I'm going to have to question you about this Lorrie, please check out these two sites first and give your opinion. Quality.pdf

They both state quite clearly that a different rating system is used to rate the US octane rating compared to the rating used both here and in Europe.

Indeed you're PERFECTLY correct. It's measured differently. The figures I gave you are the figures when you test US fuel in OUR standards.

So you are saying that the best US fuel is 95 RON.

When in fact the best US fuel is actually 95 PON which is the average between RON an MON.
Here is a scale for the differences...

90 83 86.6
92 85 88.5
95 87 91
96 88 92
98 90 94
100 91.5 95.8
105 95 100
110 99 104.5

you people are crazy ron pon mon lol

fuel is shitfull smelly expencive crap
but without it we would all not be hear talking on this forum and we might all have a life lol :lol:
Oh man reading that made my brain hurt. I though you were joking about the MON, PON stuff at first.....just doesn't sound right.