AWD-turbo cruise *Date Change*


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Black CE9A Evo III
Dec 17, 2007
Gold Coast
Hey ladies and gentlemen, I thought i would post this on team4g incase anyone wants to come along to the cruise details are as follows

the time has come, get out your calanders and clear the 29th of june as it will be the first official AWD-TURBO.NET cruise
this will also be the 3rd awd cruise.

we will orgainise to have 3 meeting spots, followed by 200kms of great roads and finishing with a session of go karting at
cost is about $35-45 from memory depending on numbers we have

the day will be starting with:
1st meet will be 9.30am at the bp service center at coomera we will be leaving at 9.45am sharp. If you miss this meet just head straight for the next one as the direction sheets wont be handed out until the 3rd location. We will be taking the gateway so make sure you have the toll money $2.60.

2nd meet will be at the shell service center on the gateway at nudgee at 10.30am and we will be leaving at 10.45am sharp. If you miss this meet just head straight for the next one as the direction sheets wont be handed out until the 3rd location.

3rd meet will be at the bp service center northbound on the bruce highway at 11.00am and we will leave at 11.30am.
Direction sheets will be handed out at this location.
from here we have about 200kms of driving ahead of us.

please be sure that you have a full tank of petrol or at least enough to take you 200km from the final meet
please be sure you are wearing closed footwear.
for those who will be at the first meet please make sure you have toll money.
uhf's if you have them though they are not mandatory
most important is front and rear drivshafts and a good attitude
optional extras include sick bag for any pasengers who might not like all the twists and turns of the roads we will be taking.

please send posts on so we can get numbers of who will attend :)
I saw this cruise posted up on boost as well.
I'd so come if I had an AWD turbo that was running!! :p
Oh well, I hope I make it next time..........if there is a next time.
Good one!, I wish you guys would check the rally calendar before you make dates for things like this :roll:

Why not cruise up to Rally Q and say Hi. There will probably be more AWD cars up there than on the cruise anyway.
Hey guys, Im sorry to inform that the cruise has had to be rescheduled for 1 more week. The cruise will be run on the June 29th as appose to the original date of June 22nd.

I apologise for the date change and I hope to see everyone there Im also going to be giving away free stickers on the day.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions.

Thanks guys,

People who are Attending the cruise: (please correct me if you are on the list and not able to make it)

From AWD-Turbo

Evo201 - Coming.
K33P UP - Coming.
d_drifter_@pple - Coming.
calibrated - Coming.
G-T - Coming.
SNB17 - Coming.
phyrburn - Coming.

From Boostcruising

5000BE - Coming.
datt0man - Coming.
Tolez34 - Coming.
KRISPY - Coming.
qldcharger - Coming.
need_a_car - Coming.
David - Coming.
spazz- Coming.
come pimp my ride - Coming.
Dirty Gomez - Coming.
Mr-Toy33 - Maybe Coming.
STR8E180 - Maybe Coming.
TUN35 - Maybe Coming.
90 GTX - Maybe Coming.
Subaru Mad - Maybe Coming.

From Team4g

brisvr4 - Maybe Coming.
jdm-vr4 - Coming.
brisvr4 said:
Hmmm, mine might actually be running again by then :D

Mine won't.
I'll have to tag along with jdm-vr4 if he is going............that is unless you guys aren't gonna hop under the car and check the drivetrain, which in that case......I have an Eterna that might make an appearance. :p :lol:
From the AWD turbo net site.
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.

Activate my account please. If I get my oil leaks fixed on the Saturday, I might come up for a drive, probably won't go go-karting though, going round and round in circles bores me sh*tless.
rob323 said:
From the AWD turbo net site.
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.

Activate my account please. If I get my oil leaks fixed on the Saturday, I might come up for a drive, probably won't go go-karting though, going round and round in circles bores me sh*tless.

Hey Rob, Problem is fixed :)
Dom - Thanks. Just got to track down these pesky leaks.

Marek - wait til I take you for a ride in a rally car my friend. Just cause you are old doesn't mean you have to be sane.
rob323 said:
Dom - Thanks. Just got to track down these pesky leaks.

Marek - wait til I take you for a ride in a rally car my friend. Just cause you are old doesn't mean you have to be sane.

i'm keeping your word and looking forward to that rally ride:)
Marek, keep Saturday 5th of July free then.

Looking at the list of usernames above of who's coming, jeez we people from T4G need to get some more "hip" usernames.

Anyone got any suggestions for me?

I was thinking maybe "Hung like a pug dog" or "1nadeq8 in bed"
