Bad feeling


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Aug 2, 2005
I reckon my a spec VR4 is a slug.

I dont know what it is about it - but i doubt that it would be running 15.5 stock like they should, and when i bought it there were no modifications.

Do engines get tired? I mean its done 150K now... maybe they just slow over time? When i had the jspec running, the difference in power was VERY noticable. All that had was a 3" zorst, FMIC with piping and a clutch. Runnin on 14 psi i think. That car really felt like it hammered.. but the aspec....

This continual overboosting problem is REALLY shitting me now though! I am thinking maybe its a wastegate problem?

I dunno what are your thoughts on a car just generally feeling a lot slower than it should?
The A-specs are a little heavier, and do come out with slightly less power.

Another thing to watch out for is the old phantom knock, the stock knock sensor picks up vibrations coming from the engine and thinks this is knock, so it tells the ECU to retard timing.

Heres a good thread i saw a while ago

Have you replaced your plugs and leads recently? What fuel are you using??

Sounds like you need to get a datalogger onto it, to see what the issues are, if any....

BTW, what mods did your jspec have that your apsec doesnt??
Yeh thats what i was thinking... I dont know anyone who can datalog up here. I have no idea and havent bought any of that gear yet.

The aspec is stock except for a 2&1/2" cat back system and a boost gauge and turbo timer.

The jspec had a blitz front mount with large piping (dunno what size) was running off wastegate (so like 15 psi), 3" exhaust off the turbo and an excedy clutch. Engine generally sounded so much sweeter on the jspec.
The a spec seems to have heaps of belt noise, and has this annoying high pitched whine to it. The Jspec idled quietly in comparison and ran super smooth (until it found its way into the back of a 4x4).

My spark plug gap on number 4 was waaaaaay off a little while ago and i reset them all to .8. Ran better after that but still feels like a slug. Its just really lathargic to accelerate. Currently the o2 sensor isnt attatched coz i found one of the wires has corroded thru when i replaced the exhaust manifold. Pulled the rest off so i can solder it back on soon. but even when it was on there is was slow as ****. Im thinking its knock or something similar to that.

Im broke for the next 3 months... i cant even really pay for anyone to look at it :(

Looks like i gotta just put up with it!
TrooperShannon said:
Currently the o2 sensor isnt attatched

You should really replace that mate, this is most probably your problem, you car will run like a dog without it
Yes I understand that but I think it is slow when its working.

I am thinking about taking it to the performance dude in T'ville that everyone reckons is the bomb, even though he is a self proclaimed WRX expert doh.

Get him to datalog and dyno and see what he thinks. Just gotta convince the missus to let me spend more money on the car :oops:
give it a shot yourself

get yourself a pda, cable and the software

check if your getting knock
check your timing
etc etc

this would help indicate problems,
after u get the little things out, im sure it'll be running better

mechanically is the car good?
have you done a comp test?

maybe the jspec was just in better condition

i took that jspec for a spin, my mate was gonna buy it, nice car but in my honest opinion, it didn't feel that quick.. i actually thought it was a bit rough mechanically

if your aspec isn't performing as good as that, you seriously have issues.
no offense but im just sharing my thoughts..

check for intake leaks,

the cooler change will also help alot, more top end, wont feel like its having an athsma attack...

but dataloggin would be a good start