Battery relocation to boot + Walbro install


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EVO-00X said:
Missile said:
just note that runnign a + cable next to speaker wires can result in that whining through your speakers...

circuit breaker are generally better as you wont have to keep on replacing fuses...

i run a jaycar 120A circuit breaker and have never had it trip out...


$$$ is higher than budget spec but you do get a bling digital voltage readout...

Hey Tim,

I bought one of these 120A buggars yesterday and hooked it up today. Its a nice little size and I've already made a place for it to live. But my blue LED isnt working :roll: The red digital display is though :) I've first tried running battery to the left of the breaker, then to the right, neither way makes the blue LED work but either way makes the red digital screen work so I reckon I have a dud blue LED in this one. I rang Jaycar and told them I'm bringing it back for an exchange tomorrow. By the way, which side of the breaker do you have your battery power on as the thing didnt come with any instructions :roll:

looking at the breaker as in the pic it is running from the right to the left... ive actually mounted mine on the front of the battery box, but this really shouldnt matter to the LED's functionality. in regards to the LED, check the earthing as per the PM... but if it required earthing for the voltage display then you have definatly got a faulty LED...

I got both the 120A breaker, the 2 x 60A breaker, plus a gold multi outlet battery terminal from Jaycar. I'll post up a pic later tonight with an explanation of the work I did to the car yesterday :D Looks TRICK and will work a treat!!! :twisted:
Pics of the battery relocation to the boot I did yesterday :D

We did a new MDF floor last weekend and yet to recover in new carpet and relocate the earth so this is just the wiring up of it all before finishing it off 8) Dont pay attention to the low voltage reading because I used an old calium battery I have spare in the garage to test it.

The 120A Breaker (Red LED display and blue LED light) - 2G cable from battery terminal to circuit breaker. From Circuit breaker 2G cable to starter motor.

The 60A Breaker (2 circuits - Yellow LED display and blue LED lights) - 8G power feed from battery terminal to Circuit Breaker. 8G cable from Circuit breaker to 30A fused relay for the Walbro fuel pump. Then I used 8G cable from the relay to the Walbro. The relay is also earthed using 8G cable.

The 2nd circuit for the 60A breaker can power an amp when I get one :)

I wired up the Walbro to a 30A relay with an inbuilt side-mounted 30A fuse, further along the line beofre the battery I have the 60A circuit breaker. The battery in the boot made this install a lot easier :lol: :



And before someone says 'why use a 60A circuit breaker when you are using a 30A fused relay?' its because the Walbro needs to be protected via a 30A fuse. The 60A breaker is there to serve as a 2nd failsafe plus if I wanna run a 2nd fuel pump (or one in tank and one as a pickup) it will require the 60A rating. Plus the 2nd circuit can power an AMP and the matched set of breakers looks extra bling :lol:

As for the Walbro wiring it in as per using the factory wires the pump will only see between 10-11 Volts maximum and it wont flow enough for most higher HP requirements. When you wire them up as per schematic above for a direct positive feed from the battery and a relay etc you get over 13 Volts to the fuel pump which increases the Walbro's fueling capabilities dramatically. Buschur did a no ******** test of the Walbros and came up with the following data which will make more sense to you why I did the above: :D

I took a photo with the mobile phone of how my wiring is under the rear seat. Please note that I have sussed out everywhere for a good spot to house the relay as close as possible to the pump to minimise the 8G power and earth wire lengths and made a nice cosy and protected little home for it inside the plastic rear loom housing :D The moulding under the rear seat has a void in this area so it seemed like a good and easily accessible place to put it. All wires are thick insulated OFC items, and where I used solder I covered in heat shrink, electrical tape, then plastic conduit :) Oh I also used a rubber grommet for where the wiring went through the floor to the fuel pump cradle. If you look at the relay in the pic you will see a green 30A fuse mounted in it as part of the actual relay housing :) .

And finally now I've got heaps of room for an oil/air separator by the strut tower and CAI airbox for the turbo behind the headlight 8)

is anybody using a closed off cold air intake system on their car?

they type u only see the intake pipe coming out and goin straight into the turbo. im about to put the battery into the boot and want to get my pod filter closed off except for a pipe running behind the front bar getting nicer cool air.

does that make sense?
I made that one myself.

It's not difficult but time consuming.

If you want one made, I can do one for you.
thanks baz i think i'll get the boys at my old mans factory to weld one up 4 me.

what materials would u suggest?