BC Racing Coilovers


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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
I know what you're thinking, 'OH NO! Not another coilover thread!' haha :p

So, since my rear wheels are rubbing due to some crap rear suspension I decided to just choke the cost of a decent pair of coilovers.

Just ordered a set of BC Racing BR Coilovers from sumopower today as they were the best value for dollar, imo. (other choices were k-sport/d2/g4 or for another $400 teins).

There are four main reasons why I went with BC Racing coilover
1) Cost (small budget or I'd be looking for a set of Ohlins)
2) Great local reviews from numerous car enthuiests with different vehicles. (vehicles; talon, wrx, evo 8/9, etc..)
3) 1 year warranty, after that it's only $95 to get a strut replaced (since there is no local place that will rebuild ANY manufactorer) and they usually have the replacement shipped out to you next day. (Less downtime for my daily driver the better)
4) BC Racing also manufactures springs and suspension parts for various other "high quality" jap brand names

So I was wondering if any of you blokes from down under have had any experience with BC Racing BR Coilovers or want to share your opinion on how I should of just saved up for a set of Ohlins ;) haha

I will post up on how they feel and how I like them once they arrive and are installed :D
Just wondering, how much did you pay for them all up delivered etc etc.

Ive heard good things about them, i didn't know much of them till a local suspension place started selling them and cheaper than teins.
Nice choice. I've read up on BC coil over range recently and yeah, they have been getting a lot of praise in the car and racing scene due to their design, strength and bang for buck. The best thing about them is the lower part of the strut where the hub mounts onto - its steel! the way it should be... none of this weak alloy ******** found on many other struts that wears out, elongates and cracks over time (leave the alloy ones for race cars, not street cars copping road abuse IMO). If I had to change my coil overs today the BC's will definitely be my choice.
Marc said:
Just wondering, how much did you pay for them all up delivered etc etc.

Ive heard good things about them, i didn't know much of them till a local suspension place started selling them and cheaper than teins.

I paid 799.35 GBP = 1,469.40CAD total and thats with "express delivery" (paid more to have it delivered faster).

Local prices for teins were $2100USD (super streets) or $3200-3500USD (mono flex), cheapest online was $1500CAD+shipping for tein super streets. K-sport sourced through a local dealer would be approximately the same price I got the BC Racing BR 'RA' coilovers for, but I would have to wait atleast 2 weeks for them to source them from the manufacture. I also came across some Ohlins coilovers on yahoo japan one set going for ~$2300USD and another set going for ~$2500USD (just out of my budget's reach and I can't wait the extra time it would take to deal with the broker for yahoo japan)
I read pages on these when i was looking.
I couldnt really find much dirt on them, i did however find out they are not made in the same factory as d2 etc.

I did read one complaint of fading of shock control after about 5000 k's in an evo 8 or 9..cant remeber exactly...but its all taiwanese anyway, its been proven buddy club are even made in taiwan now.
And besides the Bor chuan ones get a pretty hologram stickers...:drool:

Unless you buy DMS or that type of level shck, ull get much the same....
i've heard they're good bang for buck.
around the g4 d2 price range, but provide a better quality unit.
the later model evo boys on evo-oz think they're great too so id assume the quality would be equivalent for the lower model evo goods.
I had these coil overs in my old 7th gen honda civic. They are unbeleivable and I will purchase a set for my EVO 2 with a second thought.

I can't recommend these high enough, I went with these due to a good mate of mine running these in his TME and his comments where that they where a better built and better performing coil over comparted to the Tein Super Streets he had in another car.
dvscoupe said:
I had these coil overs in my old 7th gen honda civic. They are unbeleivable and I will purchase a set for my EVO 2 with a second thought.

I can't recommend these high enough, I went with these due to a good mate of mine running these in his TME and his comments where that they where a better built and better performing coil over comparted to the Tein Super Streets he had in another car.

from my experience i would have to disagree, the bc's are pretty good(better than d2 etc...) but they are not up to any track work, they loose there edge and sharpness pretty quickly compared to some other coilovers

still good value for money but dont think that your getting ohlins for d2 prices
DOUGMO said:
still good value for money but dont think that your getting ohlins for d2 prices

Thats a fair enough call, like i said earlier, i consider them entry level, fine for getting around
I paid a extra couple hundred bucks for express shipping, yet they took FOREVER to get here. I was refunded my extra amount in shipping so it cost me around 1200.

They arrived yesterday and I'm just about to go install them. Already have my alignment booked for tomorrow so hopefully I'll do some driving tomorrow and let you guys know what my first impressions are :D
Some food for thought...

GTPumps are currently doing a group buy on Racing Logic Coilovers - which basically means $1500 delivered (if 10 or more sets are purchased, $1550 if only 5 sets purchased)..?

I have also seen a few reports on the internets about the fading of shock control after not too long... although all initial reports of the coilover have been great...
i had some in my skyline but didn't have that long enough to see if they failed. Would like to know how these go after a few months as it will help me and others with coilover selection
So I'm having some troubles getting the rear passenger side strut out. Can any help me on the 'proper' way to remove these? I was able to remove the driver side rear without too much problems, probably because it was leaking a little oil (and probably why that wheel was rubbing a little)

I've searched the forum and I've looked at the E1-3 manuals but everything I try just is not working. I have my alignment booked for tomorrow @ 1PM and so far I've spent ~11 hours on it (my first time ever doing suspension work) and I'm only 3/4 done.

I hope I don't have to cancel my appointment for tomorrow :(
Get some spring compressors onto your existing ones to reduce the load. You may also have to unbolt the arm going into the tower from memory to be able to push the lower comtrol arm down far enough to pull the sucker out. Rear suspension is a wierd thing. Sometimes you get it out first go and other times you curse and swear your head off lol.
just undo the lower arm off the trailing arm and swing it doen, that will give you heaps of room to get it out. you will probably have to undo the swaybar link to get it down low enough to get the strut out.

sometimes it works out quicker removing extra parts just to get a part off in less time
Thanks guys! I was able to get the damper out with the help of a spring compressor and a friend, tho I was unable to remove that damn swaybar link (16 years of crud on it) broke the bolt loose with some help of some LPS but more crud was on the end and it wouldn't come off.

I was running about 5 minutes late to the alignment and I started down the driveway and OOPS, forgot to adjust the height on the rears so I was scraping. I called and canceled and I'll rebook after i get the height adjusted to my liking. Because time is money to these shops and I just cost them a good 2-3 hour window for business :( tho they were really cool about it.

This suspension work was WAY more labour then I had originally anticipated. Next time, I'm just going to pay someone to do it haha