Big 16G 9cm


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Dec 19, 2005
Hey doods,

How come no-one runs the evo 4 big 16g with 9cm housing rather then 7cm??

What are the pros and cons?

I have already noticed that all aftermarket headers seem to be for the 7cm.

Could you get one to fit a vr4 thats 9??
BobWrinkle said:
Hey doods,

How come no-one runs the evo 4 big 16g with 9cm housing rather then 7cm??

What are the pros and cons?

I have already noticed that all aftermarket headers seem to be for the 7cm.

Could you get one to fit a vr4 thats 9??
the turbo is facing the wrong way
and it has a different flange
BobWrinkle said:
does that mean its impossible to fit?!!

How can it spin the wrong way?!!

but i mean its all the same, air goes past spins it which spins the compressor which pushes air right?

So i will need a custom header.

I don't see how it could spin backwards, air is only going one way out of the header
Theoretically it can be done, but you'll need your intake on the right (there's no room) and the exhaust will be a tight fit also.....
6 cm2 = 0.41 A/R
7 cm2 = 0.49 A/R
8 cm2 = 0.57 A/R
9 cm2 = 0.65 A/R
10 cm2 = 0.73 A/R
11 cm2 = 0.81 A/R
12 cm2 = 0.89 A/R
BobWrinkle said:
Ok I just so its completey clear, its definately not a good idea??

$320 to my door :'(

its going to take alot more money than that to get it bolted on and working properly.