blue smoke?


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has no car :(
Nov 22, 2005
ok i looked around the forums for blue smoke posts and found out its due to valves or something like that?

just noticed it today when i started up my car.. not constant blue smoke but if i rev it to say 2000rpm some blue smoke is evident.. is it bad? and is it fixable? and is it $$$?
mine does the same, esp if you let it idle for a while then give it some gas (out of gear) ..... could be piston rings..... :(
blue smoke on startup is valve stem seals in the head

remidy = re-build motor with new seals & bearings

blue smoke under load is rings in the block

remidy = rebuild motor with new seals & bearings

or if its random smoke, or shitloads of smoke its most likely a turbo seal

but blue smoke in general = lotsa dollars!

'might be a worthy investment to stick a bottle of supaparts stopsmoke in it for $1.99 & trade tha sucka in
needs an italian tune up :wink:

when does it blow smoke?

if its just the valve stem seals, just replace them. you dont rebuild a motor every time you change your plugs do you :roll:
well i started up car y'day just to get it running for a bit and after about 5 mins of so i started seeing lil puffs of blue smoke.. told my cousin to watch the exhuast and revved it to 2k and lil puffs came out.. then let it idle and it disapeared so yeah, not quite sure..

how much is it to replace valve seals?
wait up

warm the car up and then idle it for half a minute, this draws oil down past the valve stem seals to the vacuum side, the slowly take off and watch for smoke. if it bellows smoke when you take off but settles down once your rolling, its valve stem seals.
valve stem seals doesn't mean a complete rebuild doesn't it? just change the seals yeah?! car was blueprinted like 55,000 ago!
Nope, not a complete rebuild, unless your a complete mornon :wink:

Pop of the tappet cover and take out the cams and the rockers, lifters everything bit by bit till you get to a bare top with nothing but valves collets and springs.

Remove spark plugs and put motor to TDC on #1 [*]. Use a OHC valve spring compressor to compress the spring and then remove the collets retaining the spring top so the spring can come off. The stem seal is the thing at the bast of the valve shaft as it entres the head. Pop it off with pliars (very careful!!) and install the new stem seal with a socket piece to apply even pressure till it clips in.

Rotate motor to TDC #2 and continue until all 16 valves are done.

* there are fittings you can buy which screw into your spark plug holes and attach to a compressor so you can pump compressed air into the cylinder to stop the valve falling down. If the motor is at TDC then the valve cant fall very far. Ive seen people wind bulk cotton twine into the plug hole to stop the valve from falling, but i recomend using the air compressor fitting which you can pick up for about 15 dollars from most good auto stores.
valve stem seals arnt like spark plugs ...

its not an easy task doing the seals on these motors with the head on.

the reason i say its time for a build is if uv neglected ur motor to tha point that the stem seals are leaking, i dont hold much confidence in the rest of the motor.

im not saying anyone neglects there motor, there are a number of things that can be done unwhittingly wrong that can lead to accelerated ware of a motor...

iv been through this kinda thing before & from experiance i dont recomend just fixing one broken bit when it come to internals esp if the motor has 150k + on it.
the engine has been blueprinted approx 55000 ago with argo rods and hyperteuretic pistons.. i do give my car a beating every now and then but nothing stupid and look after it as it should be, so i'm guessing i don't have to do a rebuild..
turbo_charade said:
if your door handle breaks, do you replace the car

depends on the car :lol:

olly, i wouldnt worry bout it too much......... mines been doing it for a little while.... just keep an eye on your oil and you should be right.....
My car never smokes...except once i left it to "warm up" for about 10 minutes.
I came outside to find it happily puffing small amounts of smoke. I then went for a short drive and the smoke completely dissapeared. It wa smore white then blue i think. The only explanation i could think of is that my valve stems are a little bit worn so sitting there not doing too much oil was able to leak through?
Sound reasonable?
Anyone got a better explanation?