boost preasure testing BOV


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Jun 26, 2013
Adelaide SA
Hi all,
Recently purchased a 97 hypergear, its my first rvr and I love the looks it gets from others.

Thinking it should have a bit more get up and go than it currently does.

The previous owner installed a 3" dump pipe, pod air filter and a plumb back turbo smart bov.

What are your thoughts on these mods? Keeping in mind I'm after power not noise.

Its done 170k. What should I be checking/replacing as it feels like I'm missing out on a shed load of boost pressure.


PS I'm based in Adelaide so if you're local and have the know how I'm happy to pay for your time
you should get a boost gauge to see how much the car is boosting and see if youre actually losing boost.
Thanks guys, got it booked in for a checkup on Saturday morning.

The previous owner has also attached a rather large POD filter... currently held on with zip ties.
What are your thoughts on the pod filter? Is it a waste of time? In a relatively stock setup (BOV excluded) like this is it doing more harm than good?
Imo. If its sucking hot underbonnet air its a minus. If its in cool air its a plus.

For a stock ish setup, I think the std style filter upgraded is fine.
I still think it should be cold air ducted tho as well.
So mechanic has given the car a once over and i'm fairly happy with the results.

I know there has been previous threads about Boost Controllers but haven't seen an active thread about it in a while, so...

I know you can pick up the Turbosmart Tee controllers of ebay for about $80, but I have also seen some secondhand HSK EVC 5's going cheapish.
Whats the deal? Are the Cheap Manual Turbosmart controllers any good?
Or should I spend the extra and go a HSK ECV electronic boost controller? (will this even work)
I'm looking for something that will bring the boost on a little quicker and stronger. Also want to avoid having to go through a dyno tune if possible.
I have a turbosmart boost controller and it's fine other than the fact I get boost spikes. If you remove the ball bearing in the controller it's said to eliminate spiking, i'm yet to do that though. The electronic boost controller should hook up fine and certainly work well compared to the manual valve style. Sure electronic is best but manual Tee valves are also fine, and cheap.

A dyno will help you achieve maximum boost at a safe air/fuel ratio through the rev range provided you have an e-prom ecu they can plug into. The electronic controller has alot more refinement options if run on a dyno and can help with bringing on boost quicker. Generally it seems the HSG can handle around 14 psi although my automatic when i bought it was running 17-18 psi (tdo4), I didn't feel this was a safe tune and could have sworn the motor was pinging though I'm told they won't ping with a controller? I feel my turbo spools way too early anyway.

Also most turbo cars now days have integrated electronic controllers. Though they have upsides and downsides.

Turbosmart Tee

My 2c
:blink: ^
An electronic controller is the better option hands down...the tee is a bleed valve whereas the electronic version has a solenoid. Much more accurate and stable...once installed dial in the boost you want and it will hold that level all the way through the spiking and then fading off..the Tee option is **** in comparison to electronic boost controller.
No need for a dyno to set it up either especially if you have an AFR gauge ( if not I have one for sale in the for sale section!)
I agree the EBC is the better way to go here, however the tee works fine for a bit more power thats cheap and simple, that's why I recommend one, if you wanted to go for the best power result, use an EBC.

As I've simply said the EBC is a more complicated system and the bleed type works fine and is very simple. It would be a matter of finance for me, if you have the cash, go the EBC.

The most simple setup sounds like a 2 port solenoid EBC with a PID controller (closed loop I assume)

Also note the bleed system bleeds back into the system and should not be mistaken for the old "bleed" valve style that bleeds to atmos.
Could you please explain how a bleed valve, bleeds back into the system? As far as I know thats rubbish.
As far as Im aware they bleed through the ball bearing into the atmosphere...The turbo xcess one I have works this way.
Good question, the one you have sounds like the old style, correct me if I'm wrong. The turbosmart I have flows back into the intercooler piping, also it's said you can divert it back into the manifold. Hence no boost leak.
Definitely not "the old style" what I have.
Either way its still a bleed valve which are *********,compared to an ebc, which is what I now have in my Evo and is a million times better and more accurate than a cheap bleed valve.
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the feed back.

My other option is to have the car tuned.
What sort of results can I expect from a tune on my stock ecu? (only mods are plumb back BOV, 3" dump pipe and a Pod filter)
I'm looking to increasing the boost and get the boost on sooner.
I think im probably running rich at the moment as well so I guessing a tune would help that?

What are your thoughts? Whats a half decent tune cost?
I dont think you should expect anything too spectacular with those mods. If anything I wouldnt bother with a tune until youve done some more substantial mods....
Ok so substantial mods… what are we talking?
If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing to mod/replace on your stock car what would it be?
May seem like a stupid question but… is there an easy way just to up the boost a bit? Not trying to break land speed records, just embarrass some commodore owners ;)
Side note, still looking for Shifter bushes if anyone know a compatible part I can get locally.
for you with what i assume is a TD04HL maybe step up to a TD05 14b or even a 16g. that should see you getting more airflow for the same boost level giving you a nice power increase. and preparing you for a good tune

if tuning i would also add larger injectors
Do you have an auto or a manual Box_me2? If you have the auto and go for the td05, make sure you get a walbro fuel pump. Leave the injectors standard for a while and feel the increase in power till you want a tune, like khubner says, get some injectors then.