boost preasure testing BOV


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Do you have an auto or a manual Box_me2? If you have the auto and go for the td05, make sure you get a walbro fuel pump. Leave the injectors standard for a while and feel the increase in power till you want a tune, like khubner says, get some injectors then.

Manual HSG with stock turbo
Thanks P055um5m,

installed a boost gauge and the manual boost tee you provided,
Was putting out 11 PSI before boost controller, now I'm getting around 14-15, don't want to push it much further than that for the time being.
Cool mate, if you're getting noticable spikes then pull the spring and bearing out of the boost tee :)

Thought I might point out that Jamo still has no idea how to hook up a bleed valve. Apparently his one bleeds to atmosphere :thumbsup:
Thought you had blocked my posts "tool" ?
Just for the won the award all by yourself..and are proving it once again that you really did deserve it.
Yeah mate I did, you can click this little link that says, "view it anyway" and my curiosity gets the better of me. For the record you won the award fair and square mate, I now present you with the prize of your own medicine and am simply doing what you've done and am pointing out how your are wrong and simply saying "I told you so"

No hard feelings mate, unless you want to win the second award, presented by the voice in Jamos head :)
Ha ha ha ha.....Your an really are! A childish idiot at that.
The only voice in my head, tells me your a ******** which you have proved..once again.

Do you even have the bleed valve I mention? If the **** would you know how it works?
Oh..thats right your boss told you again didnt he?! Lol!!
Like I said crawl back under your rock.
haha, you are lots of fun champ, I had a great day at paintball, you should have been there we would have had a laugh instead of this mindless bickering.

I've got a dual stage turbo XS on my 4g62t. It bleeds back into the system. They bled to atmosphere back in the 80's and cheap manufacturers kept them going for who knows how long. You even said yourself that you didn't have an "old style" bleed valve. All good but I'm not going to hold it against you. Just making you more aware of how my quote directly applies to our arguments, which have been fun.
That's ok mate. Just keep that quote I wrote you on the other thread and remember it. It was a rule of life (of 10) written by a native American Indian.

Peace out ;)
OK, I tried multi quoting but the MF didn't work so I'm going to type this in manually I agreed with Jacks post about a compression test, that is a given on a 170k engine, also pod filter and under bonnet temps=fail even if you have a tower of aluminium intercooler hanging out of your bumper. Django, mate, love your posts, but if you could post up some pics of a plumb back t-bleed system world I would love you, not in a gay way of course, just curious. And we all agree the EBC is the way to go if you have the cash, but if we consider ourselves to be decent humans we should be throwing it to George to get his dream (and ours vicariously) to fruition till he wins with the MASSIVE 4GTUNER sticker on the side of his car. TD04? Power? Same sentence, Really? Traffic light drags maybe but.....hey whatever floats your boat. Box_me2, if your engine has 170k on it FK dude, if you boost it above standard, apply for a loan because it aint gonna last much longer in any form that could ever be considered fun for much longer. And again Django, I really respect your contribution to this forum as you are a more senior contributor to me, but if you are going to quote American Indian stuff, maybe you and Jamo should share the Calumet for a while and appreciate where the other is coming from as you both have valid points. And as far as massive tool award goes, I win over all of you!
Haha, your a champ Benzo, thanks for the kind words

This controller attached in this picture is a bleed to atmosphere, which I assume is the one evo_gsr has.


The controller pictured here is a plum-back which is a bad way of putting it i spose, because really, with a ball and spring type, the ball and spring act as the actuator until it gives way, hence opening the wastegate at the desired pressure setting causing the turbo to stop spooling and fire up again when the ball and spring close again.


For some reason I went a bit loopy and thought that my valve was connected to the intercooler piping? Someone must have put something in my coffee cause that's not the case at all and the way mine's setup is the only way it can be setup for a traditional valve setup (not a bleed valve setup).

A traditional Tee setup is acting as though it's the actuator in the sense that it doesn't release the pressure into the actuator until the desired boost level is acheived.

As far as you have mentioned with evo_gsr and I, mate you supply the piece and I'm in! :thumbsup: haha

Cheers mate
Also for anyone looking for a manual boost controller really worth getting, these things here have no spiking coming on boost and don't fade off whatsoever toward the end of revs (unless your turbo is simply running out of puff, which means your boost is set too high). These are very steady and use a ceramic ball instead of a steel one like turbosmart uses, very surprising how well these perform actually!

Hallman RX