Brisbane Meet-Up


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With that second part of the offer I think you have ****** your chances of getting a ride!!
LOL, yeah, It's part of my screening technique, anyone who accepts a Mariah Carey CD is evil and takes fancy to drinking human blood while touching themselves.

Is the RVR still in bits Ben?
Sigh....yeah, still in bits.
That sucks Bryce, fifo.... Ben, you can keep the cd, I like to sing opera while I drive anyway, lol. Pm me and we could work something out I'm sure. Cheers.
i'll set up the brissy drag meet in the next few months will give you all plenty of notice. might even try make a t4g brissy member shootout
brisvr4 said:
Do the drag night in winter Mo. My new toys should be fitted by then :)
Troy was saying you might have it done by the weekend :p haha

What a shame Rob! :(
Would of been good to have all of you old farts in one spot again, telling us all of your war stories. :lol:
Give me some time to get the old girl back together and registered again. Then I can start fitting the stock pile of parts that have been collected for her.
rob323 said:
Give me some time to get the old girl back together and registered again. Then I can start fitting the stock pile of parts that have been collected for her.
The nice new eBay 16G? :p

Ok so far we only have 9 people in for dinner, but it looks like we'll have a few more for the cruise. Please bring a CB radio if you have one, if not don't stress. We usually just talk rubbish on it anyway :p

Ian +1
Tim & Suzi
Mahommad - my name fits in really well doesn't it? :lol:
I must be old or maybe just tragic... Ben, by Michael Jackson, when he actually proud to be black. Good song actually.
So I had quite an audible clicking/clunking sound coming from my rear left tyre when I took right hand turns (load / no load, high speed / low speed).
I thought it must be the rear CV shaft. I removed it and took it to driveshafts Australia in Slacks Creek and they pretty much told me that they couldn't help me because they don't stock and parts for the EC5A VR4 and that my best bet was to get hold of a 2nd hand one. I got him to re-boot it anyhow, hoping some fresh grease might help it along. Chucked it back in the car, clicking noise still there.

Before I realised that the 2nd hand shaft I received from NZ was the wrong one, I removed it again yesty and put it straight back in after I realised.
Then changed the rear brake pads, and compressed the coilover springs a bit more to give me some more height in the rear.
Now the noise seems to have disappeared. What could it have been?
The brake pads didn't show anything obscure and they tyres don't look to have ever been rubbing on anything. I'm a bit puzzled but I'm glad the noise is gone. I hope it stays away!

Now I'm ready for this cruise :)
it's probable that you ride height was pushing the cv's beyond their operating angle.

and most cv joint places should be able to get the cups/bearings in just not alot will stock complete swap shafts
Actually that's what the driveshaft guy said. I remember now as I read your post.
Although he said that the wear groove is not overly towards the end of the cup and it shouldn't be the cause....but I'm hoping you're right! :)

EDIT: Maybe the bearing has been pushed further back into the cup and out of the previous wear groove, essentially giving me another bite of the cherry! Here's to hoping.. haha