car insurance


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matress said:
are you sure?
i wasn't sure about that, say for example if the car is too low to be roadworthy, but it gets stolen, does the unroadworthyness void your insurance in the case of a theft claim?
it shouldn't, no.

but if your car is stolen, how will they find it to show you its unroadworthy?
WRCVR4 said:
runuts said:
aftermarket ecu,

Therefore the car isnt roadworthy (EPA) Write it off, and they CAN get out of paying :evil: <<<Hates insurance people :cry:

Well, not sure about the roadworthy laws where you are, but I will state the qld tpt guidlines for aftermarket ecu.

The ecu must have the same or more functionality as the factory ecu, all polution related equipment must be retained, stepper motor idle control, and all other functionality must be active. Also an emmissions test, CO reading must be done to fit within the original emission outputs of the vehicle.

I have written authorisation to use an Autronic ECU, from QLD TPT. Once the car is running, it is getting an emmissions test. Which I dare say will pass quite easily(past experience here), but now running sequential injection and CDI, plus a much better catalytic converter than was ever available when the vehicle was made.
um im with racv with my vr4 and im 18, i pay 70 dollars a month im not too sure what that comes to in a year about 800 or so. im alloud mods but have to specify them as i do them and the premium doesnt change.

tharaka said:
matress said:
********! :lol:
whats the real reason? :p
no seriously

just cars and RACV are the only ones that will insure me

and RACV wont allow any mods

same as when i had the s13, just cars were the only people that would insure me

RACV will allow mods, as long as they are 100% legal.
E.G you can have lowered suspension, but it cant be 10-20mm past the stock suspensino (guessing at figures). So any serious mods and they are no good, only just car covers everything, but i have found them to quote me some very high figures. lucky my car is pretty stock.

RACV can suck my balls :lol:

they wanted $7,200 per year full comp for my HONDA CIVIC COUPE VTI :shock:

that was about 5 years ago though.....
Im with RACV, 83 mdoel rx7 with some small mods, 520 per year (paid monthly so a bit extra).

Aged 19 with speeding fines i told them about lol.