cc lancer hatch - fitment of aftermarket wheels


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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2005
Not sure if this is in the right section or not, but it refers to a cc lancer hatch (cb shape).

Went to install my sparco 15" rims on this lancer yesterday, but on removing the front wheel, we noticed there are 4 bolts poking out of the hub. The standard lancer wheels are recessed to allow the wheels to fit flat onto the hub.

So is it safe to remove these bolts? I have heard they are just there to hold the hub and disc in place when changing wheels, however only really matters when the car is almost new - as the hub/disc would have fused together negating the need for these bolts.

Any ideas here?
dont take those bolts off. you will need wheels that have gaps to allow them to clear those bolts and sit flat on the hub.

Dave and I were talking about the same thing the other day, the OZ racing 17s I have coming have gaps in those spots so should fit fine.
yeh thats kinda what the ones I have need to be to fit on the lancer that they were possibly being sold to.
Oh well.
You can get different bolts instead. This is the same as on my cordia.
Here I have flat top hex bolts.

I don't know sorry i learnt the hard way by drilling the inside of the rims, before i bought my second cordia in which you see in the pic..
pretty sure you'll be able to find em somewhere..
i drilled my mags as well, sucked cause it took about 2 hours per rim.

i would just buy spacers second time around, so much easier
yeh turns out they need to be drilled for the hex bolts to fit flush (makes sense really, i didnt give it a huge amount of thought).

Oh well.
gilly said:
yeh turns out they need to be drilled for the hex bolts to fit flush (makes sense really, i didnt give it a huge amount of thought).

Oh well.

it is a bit of mucking around to start with but well worth it in the long run.

you should only have to counter sink them anyway
had the same issue with my cordia's years ago, I just went and bought some 5mm or 7mm wheel spacers from Autobarn cant remember exactly and the problem was solved... lucky enough it was only the front I had to do this... I wasn't going to turf my new 17' intermiliano wheels...

I know some of you wouldnt give a thumbs up to this but I ran these on 3 of my cars over a period of 7yrs and all was fine...