Club VR-4 Structure change?


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Mar 29, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
What are your thoughts.

I think they are going to try and create 2 forums.. one for financial members ( and one with VERY VERY limited area's and technical information for non financial members ( which i think is a very very bad idea but i could b wrong on what they plan to do with the new forum structure.

I also noticed that 22 members are from melbourne or other states that i dont think will renew their membership which would lead me to believe that only 20 members will renew it meaning that there will only be $1000 of cashflow from members, then add sponsors.. iono itll be curious as to which track clubvr4 and the 'powers to be' take.


hmm, well I know I cant even enter the sale thread anymore...

and neither can I log in..

I can see some threads only too.. sigh.. thats sad... cant really do nuts there anymore...
I just spoke to Peter (phez) this is how it is going to work:

Club VR-4 Finanacial Forums

Club VR-4 Public Forums

All the information will be put onto the financial area's where they will b thoroughly answered.. all the other '****' posts can be made in the public forums.

So its kind of like Team4G structure but with the bling involved.

hmm interesting. Well actually all I can view now in the public forums is the threads under the sponsors. Nothing else.

Think you check whats wrong with my account? Cant message any of them, and I did msg phez using my account on the old vr4 forums, but he didnt reply.

And I cant even login to edit my profile, haha.. *wonders
i think its **** personally, the users are the ones that answer all the questions not the fukin financial members (sorry to any financial members that do contribute), and now they are making it a shitbox site for us, im not a financial member coz i don't have the money to be, and no one has made it clear what advantages there are to being a financial member.

my 2 cents worth - CLUB VR4 = GAY now

where's the post count??

i wonder if i am still on top ?!?!..

being financial = useless..
everything in that section is useless..

i was against it.. i tried posting financial stuff into the public stuff. haha..
but the mods wanted money i guess..
bah who cares now..

clubvr4 = good trading post and lots of post
team4g = more personal between memebers.. although it does get really quite in here.. = great place to go to learn a thing or two..
im also trying other forums also


so many.. i lose count sometimes.. take me forever to go through them also.. but as the saying goes.. the early bird gets the worms (is that right dre??)

group buy anyone??
haha baz,

yeah ive got lots of forums too, mostly club forums not specifics like yours...

haha group buy? man... all the stuff you buy is inapplicable to me... :p.. hehe
brisvr4 said:
Hmmmm, if i abuse enuff peeps over there do you think i can get banned???

just rant on about it for a few posts on and you should be right :lol:

although this place doesnt get much action, it's slowly growing, and whats better is that the people who do actually reply have a better answer than "go and see this guy he's heaps good and will only barely rip you off"

i want to do most things myself :)
Enough about this club. It's already proved it's completely useless in all matters.

You can't buy sell or trade anything on it. If you want to know something you goto Major irrelevance.

Thanks, bye.