Conspiracy Theory Top 10


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"Too much time on your hands" in my mind translates to "wow dude you must actually give a f**k, unlike the rest of the people who don't have enough time to give a f**k", and there is plenty of reason for that...

ostrich's [according to D.A.] stick their heads in the sand when **** gets hot, but you know what, they arses are still way up in the air, just like yours.
Pull your (not aimed at an individual, but an entire global mind) head out of the sand. Leave your bubble. Open your eyes and wake up to the prison planet we have been enslaved to. While you think your world is yours and everything you have is freedom, you have successfully been brainwashed and tricked into thinking you are free...

The best way to enslave people is to let them think they are free.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was to convice the world he didnt exist

I am not religious, but i understand religion and its purpose, from both sides of the scale.
at one end you have devout religious and faithful people, who truelly beleive the word of their faith and live their lives by it, peacefully.
while at the other end, you have two types of people.
1- the people looking to gain from and extort the religious, more often than not, through manipulation of emotion & fear.
2- those who seek to conquer and rule, using their religious beliefs as justification for their actions, generally through bloodthirsty, inhumane slaughter "in the name of god". By this i refer directly to the Crusades, the Inquisition & Jihad(s). And America (one country under god... HA!)

Religion is a man-made institution.

Religion is the masked political agenda for mass control.

The Bible is a collection of stories which metaphorically explain the recent history of this planet and its civilisation. The Bible IS NOT LITERAL, never has been and never will be.

If you 'had time' you could research the Bible. I would recommend at least trying to find an unbiased thesis (by that i mean, the author is not a devout religious person, or from any particular religion).
But do not read an "atheist's" view unless you are an "atheist", for religion trains the mind to reject other opinion through faith of the devine, and a Christian reading an "Atheist" thesis on the Bible... HAHAHA they'd be lucky to make it to the second paragraph before they'd hit the wall of their bubble and need to stop reading or their beliefs would be challenged and their simple, disregarding minds would begin to cook and melt.

OH NO! are your serious? You mean to say that... Nothing just magically appeared?

YES - I - DO

No offence to any Christian's by the way - that last paragraph, that was me talking; an "Atheist" (def: specifically denoting disbelief in the monotheistic Abrahamic god) as defined by your religious beliefs, not mine. I am not religious, therefore I am NOT AN ATHEIST, because this is now an English term used to categorise ones Religious Views, of which mine are SCEPTICAL & NON EXISTANT. one cannot be an Atheist unless they fall under the umbrella of religion. If religion is a choice, why is it forced on EVERYONE including those who do not participate in it?

But i'm not scared of the damnations and threats of religion. The wrath of god or the gods... lol at that, cuz in reality, I am my own god! and to submit and hand over control of your own mind is to become godless and in a sense, dead. Remember, you only go to hell if you believe in it! hahahahaha
Oh and you get into heaven easier by giving out your slave dosh/money to the churches LOL AT THAT HARDER ;-)

The reason I lol'd just then is cuz of this:
Apparently, the Vatican currently in power in Rome (Vatican 2 or "Catholicism Rev 2.0" LOL), is not the real Catholic Chruch. it's some pseudo-religion that uses the Catholic name to extort and profit. Oh btw, the Pope is like the richest guy on the planet, cuz he's gots all yo gold... remember how the gold standard went 'bye bye' in favour of a fractional reserve banking system based on inflation (supply-demand-spend-BS)? Well the reason for that was, there wasn't enough gold for cash, so they replaced the gold with printed money, worth NOTHING, given value by the reserve banks, while they syphon off Government bonds which were traded by the Gov to the RB in exchange for cash, which was actually only ever LOANED to the Gov, with interest on it from the VERY FKN BEGINNING!

How the f**k can you possibly expect to pay back $10 +10% interest to someone, if your economy only consists of $10??? where the f**k does the other $1 come from? THIN-FKN-AIR

Lets try that again:
*Money was once exchangeable for gold (the gold standard). Thus money was backed by a commodity.
*Gold standards were removed - power of currency handed over to Reserve Banks.
*Money began to be sold to the Government
- but hang on, how can money be sold to the same countries government by the bank it set up?
*The Reserve Banks are private corporations belonging to Elite Bankers (who in turn rule the world through manipulation of the economy - G20 anyone?). The Reserve banks print the $$$ and LOANS the bills to the Gov. The Gov gives the RB Gov Bonds in exchange for the Cash, however the cash is loaned with interest, that meaning: The RB wants that money back soon and on top of the $x lent, we want a %$ of $x as well.
*Thus, power of economy handed over to private banks all around the world, who in reality, illegally control the economy and governments. Does it make sense now who really runs the world, not saying that you never knew this, just never had it explained this way perhaps?

The govern-mentality

*Create the problem:
be it terror, shortage of drinking water, a new epidemic of disease

*Provide a solution:
Government steps in, having manipulated us to think that this new problem's only solution can come from our saviours, and offers a solution, which at the end of the day, does nothing more than take away your freedoms even further

*Centralise the power:
Through disasters, scare tactics, CRISIS's and threat of life, the Government is able to rewrite laws and clauses or completely replace them or make them null and void, to give power and a greater control to an administration or institution, which will then do what it pleases in disregard of our liberty and freedom. And we can't do a thing.

When the f**k did the government become so powerful? How did it happen? What happened to the term PUBLIC SERVANT.

Read our constitution, read our Australia Act, understand the '99 Referendum, understand what is and what controls the ATO and go and seek the truth.

No one can stop you except you!

Make up your own mind whether or not you give a shi7 about the future, whether or not you care that our children, our childrens children and our friends and loved ones and their families will be part of a complete slave race, with centralised power, currency and religion.

Life is a long string of choices, made up of ones you want to make and ones you would rather not make but must, and only one thing affects the choices in your life - that is you.

You will say, what about this, what about that... well think about it. You choose to live in this society, all those things are your choice. If you do not like it, make a CONCIOUS CHOICE and seek the truth as to why you are forced to make choices you make and you will see the underlying manipulation by the global elite to slowly CENTRALISE ALL POWER and continue to tax you @ EVERY-FKN-TURN

Although this is my opinion (Opinion - my contextual definition: a point of view from another perspective shaped by: belief systems influenced by life experiences), it is based on evidence, and a rediculously long accumulation of BULLSHI7 media stories...

Everyone has a right to choose everything for themselves - although your options aren't always the best, and in this world they seem to be getting worse and worse, they are still options you have, and you are required to make a choice.

Make the choice you think is right, but remember that the world is bigger than you and every single living thing is directly affected by your energy, and only through awakening of the mind and breaking free from the controlled, "virtual" reality that is the world presented through Media, Television & News, can you truelly become a free mind.

We are all part of this universe; equal to one-another and in no way should war, famine, disease or racism exist in our universe - these things are not in support of life or equality.

Love and happiness is really the only way the world should revolve... not hate and fear...
What Brian said.
I live my life how i want it, regardless of whats happening in the world around me.
I havnt got time to get caught up with all these theories. and to be honest i dont care about em.
I hope God strikes you down with great vengeance and sends you off to your paradise with 21 virgins! .... so there!... go live eternity in utter agony trying to satisfy 21 virgins! lol :w00t: You'll get 21 roots, then they're not virgins anymore and disappear lol
BMGTZ said:
well have some interesting opinons. good luck with them.

thank you, yes they are my opinions, nothing more

Dean said:
What Brian said.
I live my life how i want it, regardless of whats happening in the world around me.
I havnt got time to get caught up with all these theories. and to be honest i dont care about em.

fair enough

EVO-00X said:
I hope God strikes you down with great vengeance and sends you off to your paradise with 21 virgins! .... so there!... go live eternity in utter agony trying to satisfy 21 virgins! lol :w00t: You'll get 21 roots, then they're not virgins anymore and disappear lol

IMHO you would need a considerable amount of time to satisfy 21 virgins, simply because if you were to take their feelings into account, you would have to go really slow with each one... and yes... there will be blood

but you wouldn't need an eternity...

more so, who and why do you hope god strikes down?
with great vengeance? vengeance being the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done).

Why would a god be like that for? what's the point?
conspiracy is real, the world ending within10 years is real, stop living your little world and think outside a bit, life as you know it now will change dramatically.
dont think this is all **** cause its true..
i just hope all the small minded people wake up and belive what is coming, because god isnt true, pray for forgiveness and peace as much as you want but the end is inevitable.
Ive got a date for ya.... look this up on the internet!


The end of the world is nigh :w00t:


Then look up the hidden 13th star sign called (this is 100% true).


Which means the 'Snake-Holder'. Some of you may be Ophicians and dont even know it! Why has this 13th Star sign been hidden and removed from the zodiac? Look it up


Then have comfort in knowing that astronomers and scientists all agree that

on 20/12/2012 the star of Ophicius lines up with the centre of the galaxy (said to be a black hole), the sun and the Earth...

they all line up together and no one knows whats going to happen. Its the last day of the Mayan Calendar who were sun worshippers. Also look up

The Long Count

This lining up of all the above happens once every 13,000 odd years. So what happened the last time everything lined up? A major cataclysmic event and the birth of paganism (the furthest back anything from modern history has ever been recorded to).

How did the dinosaurs die? Why did our ancestors worship the sun gods? what happened to the lost civilisations?

Time will tell....

think of our solar system...

sun in the middle, all planets orbiting around it.

Life, as we know it, sustained only on this planet by an amazing thing called an atmosphere.
No other planets have it.
At lease not in our immediate solar system.

If you put a bunch of particles on a flat, level, round surface, such as a plate and then pass a vibration through the plate, you will get concentric (one outside and inside of another) circles forming. These are because of the vibrational fields that exist at certain frequencies.

A frequency is generally measured in Hertz (Hz).
1 Hz is equal to one cycle per second
1000 Hz (1kHz) is equal to 1000 cycles per second

Everything has its own vibrational field, and this is true for planets.

Hence the deviations of orbital distances from the centre.

It is believed and also backed up by overwhelming geographic and carbon dating evidence , that the earth was part of a cataclysmic series of events, triggered by Venus's entrance into our solar system.
Venus came as a frozen ice comet (to this day there is still evidence of a tail behind Venus - LOOK IT UP I dare you), which hurtled through our solar system, but came into Mars' orbit, eventually colliding with Mars, knocking Mars out of its native orbit.
This ultimately decimated all life on Mars, as the planet was no longer in its natural orbit of the sun, so all elemental life was wiped out.
The Mars atmosphere was compromised and the vacuum of space sucked it off the planet.

Venus also came very close to Earth, large parts of it striking the face of the planet, causing some of the oceanic basins around the Pacific east coast countries and Atlantic region east of continent of North America.
The fact that Venus was a huge frozen mass (absolute zero in space is about -272C degrees) and because it actually came so close to earth, two things happened.
1. The pull of Venus's mass within space caused the magnetic fields to coonflict and, as the moon still does to this day, massive tidal movement around the planet in the form of 1000ft high walls of water, massive tidal waves (think about that scene from the "The Day After Tomorrow" in New York).
This is evident geographically and has been proven through the study of plants. I can provide more info if needed, but cant think of it now, but a botanist compared 50,000 odd plants genes, and found them to link back to 8 main species of plants that originated HIGH in the mountains of central Africa, South America, The Rockies, across the Himalayas.

2. having passed so close to Earth and break off having struck Earth, billions of tons of ice rock was pulled into our atmosphere, electromagnetically charged as it passes through the ionosphere, thus being attracted to our magnetic poles, depending on the charge.
What this would yield, is a planet that would be covered mostly in water, with ice forming at either Pole, due to the amount of frozen water deposited and the planets proximity to the sun, a large amount of the ice would melt and the sea levels would rise, consuming the lower lands of the earth, severing the low lying continental bridge between the North American continent and Iceland, Greenland & Europe (as well as many other landmass connections such as Australia's with Tasmania & NZ & PNG/Indonesia & Japan to mainland).
And with that much frozen water vapour entering Earth's atmosphere, the planet was snap frozen in an instant - hence the remains of mammoths which contrary to popular belief, weren't neccessarily ice dwelling mammals, actually herbivores who lived in grassy planes, like elephants, found standing up in the middle of a meal.
there is your ice age.

There is much geographical evidence to prove both events took place (just like the extensive gold mining in the continent of Africa some 450,000 years ago by the first of the arrivals).

How is it that some of the biggest bodies of water that exist in high altitude locations are salt water? not fresh...
Because of the massive tidal shifts and oceanic movement caused by Venus, that water has been there for a long time...

Venus then eventually honed in on the vibrational frequency of it's current orbit, and joined our solar system between Mercury & Earth.

The fragments of Earth and Mars then became the asteroid belt...

The other supporting facts of these theories are that the surface rock of Mars is only a few tens of thousands of years old, nowhere the age you would expect of a planet that has never had an atmosphere or life.

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Mars also has "THE FACE", very similar looking to the Sphinx's face.
Mars also has the Pyramid city.

Another freaky thing, related back to the vibration of the universe and the orbit of a planet representative of its wavelength.

Organisms on Earth commonly exhibit a circadian rhythm, which is synchronized to the 24-hour day-night (diurnal) cycle of the planet - a full rotation on its axis.
However, if isolated from strong environmental time cues (e.g., light-dark/day-night, temperature, etc.), many organisms may enter a “free-running” rhythm that is close to, but significantly different from, the diurnal cycle of the planet.
On Mars, the diurnal cycle is 24.66 hours.

A research study done (once again, off the top of my head, but can provide sources) on Circadian Rhythms (your biological clock), found something interesting in Caucasians...
The biological clock within test subjects of Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian & South American was an astute 24 hours.
The biological clock within Caucasians, however, was 24.66 hours...

They did this test by placing the subjects in a dark room environment, with no outside light, sound, smell or vibration. Numbing almost all senses.

To me, this means the biblical great flood could well have happened.
I have always thought of white people as not being as in harmony with the planet, not seeming as natural. The fact that the greatest atrocities ever committed were generally orchestrated, funded and carried out by white people. This is not the human nature of Earthlings. The fact that the British 'Empire' expanded to cover the globe, now still keeping it's fingers in every pot around the world, in an effort for mass control and influence over the world, then turning their plans upside down, so as to not expose the true agenda which is now carried out, hid all of its actions inside the politics of America and continued dominance of the world to this very day, supports my theory of Caucasians out for nothing more than global enslavement (well not all, I'm white, i only refer to those who understand their heritage and have ensured this knowledge esoteric by interbreeding with bloodlines of other similar families, keeping all wealth & power & their genes in the family).

But there is a Black man in power now in the US!

So? he still just the puppet, put in view of the public, with script writers. listen to some of his radio interviews, Obama is just as much a bumbling idiot as Bush without his speeches and "yes-we-can" brainwash bullshi7.

Watch the Obama Deception for factual evidence - not conspiracy, facts and proof.

What does this mean to you?

This is all theory, but the evidence is there. Before you shi7 all over it with what you think you know, go look it up yourself. And if you don't have anything to say that is constructive, why say anything at all. If you intend on posting a reply that is to put shi7 on any of this, don't, just go read another thread.
But if you wanna contradict it with any info, please do.
EVO-00X said:

Which means the 'Snake-Holder'. Some of you may be Ophicians and dont even know it! Why has this 13th Star sign been hidden and removed from the zodiac? Look it up

Are you calling us ******s? :p
EVO-00X said:
Ive got a date for ya.... look this up on the internet!


The end of the world is nigh :w00t:


Then look up the hidden 13th star sign called (this is 100% true).


Which means the 'Snake-Holder'. Some of you may be Ophicians and dont even know it! Why has this 13th Star sign been hidden and removed from the zodiac? Look it up


Then have comfort in knowing that astronomers and scientists all agree that

on 20/12/2012 the star of Ophicius lines up with the centre of the galaxy (said to be a black hole), the sun and the Earth...

they all line up together and no one knows whats going to happen. Its the last day of the Mayan Calendar who were sun worshippers. Also look up

The Long Count

This lining up of all the above happens once every 13,000 odd years. So what happened the last time everything lined up? A major cataclysmic event and the birth of paganism (the furthest back anything from modern history has ever been recorded to).

How did the dinosaurs die? Why did our ancestors worship the sun gods? what happened to the lost civilisations?

Time will tell....

So should i take that discount offered on paying my licence for 5 years:huh:
Conspiracy theories gone wild lol. Here's some things I have wondered about in my head over time.

How come old UFO photographs look like old World War II helmets? and were rather saucer'ish in shape and old skool looking in the 1940's?. Then how come over the past half century the shape of UFO's have evolved to a more sleeker, aerodynamic looking design? sort of like comparing old cars to new cars and becoming more aerodynamic and sportier in shape? I dont think the UFO's people have been seeing are extra-terrestrial as such... in fact I think theyre man made and evolved over time as our own technology increased to perfect their design.

Long ago I believe someone/somewhere... and there's plenty of evidence pointing toward the Germans, got a hold of 'something' and began to reverse engineer it and conduct experimetnal research. They may have also got a hold of 'someone' in the process. I believe this is why they had so many scientists and hidden agendas during WWII. There was no such thing as satellites back then to zoom in and spy on what they were up to so most of the goings on was unknown to the rest of the world.

Why did they want to make a superior race of blonde hair blue eyed humans to inhabit the earth? why did so many pilots of the American/English air force claim that Germany had saucer-like shaped aircraft that could move like no plane they had ever seen before? Why were so many of the allied forces anhialated in the skies? How did Germany nearly take over the world? its just a small country in the middle of Europe.... did they have help? did they have access to something the rest of the world didnt know about? You wouldnt try to conquer the world unless you were sure you had an Ace up your sleeve, secret weapons and the power to do it would you?

The 1940's was a time when **** really hit the fan and technology moved forward in leaps and bounds. 1945 saw the first atomic bomb test... where? Oh my God, it was in New Mexico! ... then there was the Roswell incident in 1947 in... oh my, New Mexico! Dont get me wrong but even the dumbest of people arent fkn stupid and know the difference between a flying saucer shaped object and a fkn weather baloon. The cover-up was dismal.

Then there's the Space Race in the 1950's... why all of a sudden were the US and Russia interested in making it to outer space first? How did they get the technology to do it? Did they plunder items from Germany during WWII?

What else happened in the 1950's? the birth of the first computer chip thats what!! and we have been living in the computer age ever since.

In the meantime UFO sightings have been recorded all around the world... so why dont the government come straight out and tell everyone about the existence of another superior race where we reverse engineered our technology from?... because it will cause global unrest.

Why? Imagine if there was no religion? religion would fall as people would stop believing that God created man, there will be no conscious to commit sin therefore you could do whatever you wanted to, wars will break out across the globe, billions of people would die, mans hunger and greed for domination would soar... you see religion cannot be made defunct or obsolete and the very notion of a 'heaven' or 'higher spiritual place' to those who are good helps keep the peace in the world. You see religion is needed in this world in order for our world to survive and stop us from killing eachother. Lose religion.... lose world order.

I dont discount for one second that man will return to his innate animalistic origins and that humantiy will fly out the window.... its just a question of when and whether it would be a case of the strongest and fittest survivwing, or the meek inheriting the earth.