Too much time on your hands" in my mind translates to "
wow dude you must actually give a f**k, unlike the rest of the people who don't have enough time to give a f**k", and there is plenty of reason for that...
ostrich's [according to D.A.] stick their heads in the sand when **** gets hot, but you know what, they arses are still way up in the air, just like yours.
Pull your (not aimed at an individual, but an entire global mind) head out of the sand. Leave your bubble. Open your eyes and wake up to the prison planet we have been enslaved to. While you think your world is yours and everything you have is freedom, you have successfully been brainwashed and tricked into thinking you are free...
The best way to enslave people is to let them think they are free.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was to convice the world he didnt exist
I am not religious, but i understand religion and its purpose, from both sides of the scale.
at one end you have devout religious and faithful people, who truelly beleive the word of their faith and live their lives by it, peacefully.
while at the other end, you have two types of people.
1- the people looking to gain from and extort the religious, more often than not, through manipulation of emotion & fear.
2- those who seek to conquer and rule, using their religious beliefs as justification for their actions, generally through bloodthirsty, inhumane slaughter "in the name of god". By this i refer directly to the Crusades, the Inquisition & Jihad(s). And America (one country under god... HA!)
Religion is a man-made institution.
is the masked political agenda for mass control.
The Bible is a collection of stories which metaphorically explain the recent history of this planet and its civilisation. The Bible IS NOT LITERAL, never has been and never will be.
If you 'had time' you could research the Bible. I would recommend at least trying to find an unbiased thesis (by that i mean, the author is not a devout religious person, or from any particular religion).
But do not read an "atheist's" view unless you are an "atheist", for religion trains the mind to reject other opinion through faith of the devine, and a Christian reading an "Atheist" thesis on the Bible... HAHAHA they'd be lucky to make it to the second paragraph before they'd hit the wall of their bubble and need to stop reading or their beliefs would be challenged and their simple, disregarding minds would begin to cook and melt.
OH NO! are your serious? You mean to say that... Nothing just magically appeared?
YES - I - DO
No offence to any Christian's by the way - that last paragraph, that was me talking; an "Atheist" (def: specifically denoting disbelief in the monotheistic Abrahamic god) as defined by your
religious beliefs, not mine. I am not religious, therefore I am
NOT AN ATHEIST, because this is now an English term used to categorise ones Religious Views, of which mine are
SCEPTICAL & NON EXISTANT. one cannot be an Atheist unless they fall under the umbrella of religion. If religion is a choice, why is it forced on EVERYONE including those who do not participate in it?
But i'm not scared of the damnations and threats of religion. The wrath of god or the gods... lol at that, cuz in reality, I am my own god! and to submit and hand over control of your own mind is to become godless and in a sense, dead. Remember, you only go to hell if you believe in it! hahahahaha
Oh and you get into heaven easier by giving out your slave dosh/money to the churches LOL AT THAT HARDER ;-)
The reason I lol'd just then is cuz of this:
Apparently, the Vatican currently in power in Rome (Vatican 2 or "Catholicism Rev 2.0" LOL), is not the real Catholic Chruch. it's some pseudo-religion that uses the Catholic name to extort and profit. Oh btw, the Pope is like the richest guy on the planet, cuz he's gots
all yo gold... remember how the gold standard went 'bye bye' in favour of a fractional
reserve banking system based on inflation (supply-demand-spend-BS)? Well the reason for that was, there wasn't enough gold for cash, so they replaced the gold with printed money, worth NOTHING, given value by the reserve banks, while they syphon off Government bonds which were traded by the Gov to the RB in exchange for cash, which was actually only ever LOANED to the Gov, with interest on it from the VERY FKN BEGINNING!
How the f**k can you possibly expect to pay back $10 +10% interest to someone, if your economy only consists of $10??? where the f**k does the other $1 come from?
Lets try that again:
*Money was once exchangeable for gold (the gold standard). Thus money was backed by a commodity.
*Gold standards were removed - power of currency handed over to Reserve Banks.
*Money began to be sold to the Government
- but hang on, how can money be sold to the same countries government by the bank it set up?
*The Reserve Banks are private corporations belonging to Elite Bankers (who in turn rule the world through manipulation of the economy - G20 anyone?). The Reserve banks print the $$$ and LOANS the bills to the Gov. The Gov gives the RB
Gov Bonds in exchange for the Cash, however the cash is
loaned with interest, that meaning: The RB wants that money back soon and on top of the $x lent, we want a %$ of $x as well.
*Thus, power of economy handed over to private banks all around the world, who in reality, illegally control the economy and governments. Does it make sense now who really runs the world, not saying that you never knew this, just never had it explained this way perhaps?
The govern-mentality
*Create the problem:
be it terror, shortage of drinking water, a new epidemic of disease
*Provide a solution:
Government steps in, having manipulated us to think that this new problem's only solution can come from our saviours, and offers a solution, which at the end of the day, does nothing more than take away your freedoms even further
*Centralise the power:
Through disasters, scare tactics, CRISIS's and threat of life, the Government is able to rewrite laws and clauses or completely replace them or make them null and void, to give power and a greater control to an administration or institution, which will then do what it pleases in disregard of our liberty and freedom. And we can't do a thing.
When the f**k did the government become so powerful? How did it happen? What happened to the term PUBLIC SERVANT.
Read our constitution, read our Australia Act, understand the '99 Referendum, understand what is and what controls the ATO and go and seek the truth.
No one can stop you except you!
Make up your own mind whether or not you give a shi7 about the future, whether or not you care that our children, our childrens children and our friends and loved ones and their families will be part of a complete slave race, with centralised power, currency and religion.
Life is a long string of choices, made up of ones
you want to make and ones
you would rather not make but must, and only one thing affects the choices in your life -
that is you.
You will say, what about this, what about that... well think about it. You choose to live in this society, all those things are your choice. If you do not like it, make a CONCIOUS CHOICE and seek the truth as to why you are forced to make choices you make and you will see the underlying manipulation by the global elite to slowly CENTRALISE ALL POWER and continue to tax you @ EVERY-FKN-TURN
Although this is my
opinion (Opinion - my contextual definition: a point of view from another perspective shaped by: belief systems influenced by life experiences), it is based on evidence, and a rediculously long accumulation of BULLSHI7 media stories...
Everyone has a right to choose everything for themselves - although your options aren't always the best, and in this world they seem to be getting worse and worse, they are still options you have, and you are required to make a choice.
Make the choice you think is right, but remember that the world is bigger than you and every single living thing is directly affected by your energy, and only through awakening of the mind and breaking free from the controlled, "virtual" reality that is the world presented through Media, Television & News, can you truelly become a free mind.
We are all part of this universe; equal to one-another and in no way should war, famine, disease or racism exist in our universe - these things are not in support of life or equality.
Love and happiness is really the only way the world should revolve... not hate and fear...