'Commodore drivers' nice vl though, was a nice vl!


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Look at the way he is typing. You can tell he is a Uleah.

He shouldnt of been driving a car that he can't handle. He said that it just came onto boost and he lost it.....maybe he should get a car with no boost :roll:

He is the type of dick that makes the rest of us "hoons"
yer i no ay i am pi55 off i was driving along and hit boost and went side wazz into a big gate then hit a street pole then crashed into a back yard so there my hard workn $$$ i dont know if ill get it fix if i dont ill might sell 4 parts thk guys

Fyfey said:
Hey guys, check out these links>>> 'commodore drivers' :shock:
he would be shatterd.

before: http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=167187

After (only a day after first post): http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=167496

It's a bloody lucky thing that no-one was i the yard at the time this happened; the unfortunate reality of it all is that there could well have been casualties other than just the car to begin with. He's lucky to be alive that's for sure.

Ah well, he chose to do something and he can live with it. At the very least, he should be grateful that he is at lease able to do that after what happened.
All I have to say is ONE LESS VL.

This is a godsend in itself.

If all the VH/VK/VL and VN/VP commodores spontaneously exploded in unison, the world would be a better place.
[from Boostcruising forum] "What happened?.... Did you trip over an intercooler pipe?" bahahahahahahaha :lol: Best line I've heard in ages :D
i car with pink cooler pipes... i can only imagine the type of person who would have been behind the wheel! :lol:

anyone who struggles to control a car when it comes on boost should have their licence taken away! what a goose! lucky nobody got hurt!

i don't mind VL's... but you have to admit, they do tend to attract a certain "breed" unfortunately
HAHAHAHAH omfg... now thats someone who cant handle RWD n the turbo power... man thats ******! such a nice car for a VL too...

"yer im goin 2 get it serviced and put it on the dyno yer it can chuck a good skid.."

he sure did! into a fucken tree!
Haha.. but tools are actually useful.. this guy...

We should start a fund, the "team4g anti-hooning fund", where we basically buy these types of people colts and lasers... hmm although they might be too powerful... morris 1100's? Also, we could use the fund to buy "fully sick" cars when they are for sale, and then ensure they are only sold to people who can actually drive responsibly...
Well.. we can incorporate other car clubs, I am sure many of them would like to see this kind of thing happen.. what's the saying, ban low performance drivers, not high performance cars? heh... or we could start a political party... this could be our policy, buying VL turbos off p-platers, and giving them a mazda 323! Haha.. it would be good to see car enthusiasts against hoon drivers, instead of the usual mono-browed mouth frothers.
me and my brothers had a similar theory. but it was against the law. the main reason i feel the law is so hard on young enthusiasts is that they know that young people don't have the money to defend themselves. So we were thinking that if we started a trust to fund lawyers to defend certain cases that a panel feels the defendant has been unfairly charged. coz seriously how many Lambo's/Porche's do u see being pulled over??
Hah, how many BMW's do you see with 20" rims and black tinted windows. They never get done. When I was at regency, there was a skyline, a GSR and a silvia in there with me.

And there are modified porsches, and BMW's, and mercedes... I think with ferraris, people aren't necessarily performance enthusiasts... and if they are, they're smart enough to want resale value...

MADEVO also makes a good point, cops pull over imports because they MIGHT be modified.. so might any car. My next car is going to be pre 1974. Probably a fiat 124. I will modify the living **** out of that thing, and then drive around...