'Commodore drivers' nice vl though, was a nice vl!


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My workmate paul has a fiat 124 spider...

twincam conversion 2 litre fiat engine, motec, gt30/35, fmic, etc... around 360 RWKW.

Full arbarth drivetrain with rear lsd, 5 speed closeratio box etc.

******* thing hammers. Scares the living hell out of me.
Yeah see.. if its pre 1972, its 100 percent street legal to turbocharge it... add webers, add big cams.. so long as the valve covers are sealed and have a PCV valve.. its crazy, and good. You can run aftermarket EFI.. plus some of those old italian cars have great handling..
Iv HaD SuM Go0t tiMeZ buT iN Mi VL TeRbO. LyK Diz 1 TyM aT BeLL St MaKkAz I fuKn KiKt OuT N B005t hIt mE LyK a SaMOaN BoUnCeR On CrAk L0oOoL

EvRy KuNt wAz wATCHinG ANd Mi MaTe Sp!r0 FilMeD it AnD Itz ON YouTuBe mY AcCOUnt nAym Is [DSIKVL]

I DUnNo Y I CoOdnT KoNtroL iT Im A SiQ dRyVa UzUaLly... NeWaY C U 2NiTe @ B3LL broZefS
I'm not sure if it's only because I type correctly, but that "tb short hand" crap took me so long to write haha :lol: