Cp9a AYC light on then off, then on then off


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Apr 17, 2005
Finally able to log in, its been pissing me off not being able to log in.......

Anyway, my 6 has been "sleeping" only due to the fact havent had a chance to take her our for a couple of weeks. Last Saturday went for a drive to Eltham and the AYC light came on, and i panicked or more like **** myself. No unusual noises and it dissappeared before i got to my destination Started the car and drove home with no sign of the AYC light Changed the undies when i got home lol

next couple of drives nothing again however the other night AYC light popped up again stayed on for 5 mins and as i went to drive up my driveway the AYC light stated to flicker then dissppeared agin before turning her off . Drove into work this morning and yet again no sign of the light coming on.....

I will do the dash diagnostic check but it doesnt seem to have any pattern yet so random. Should i be concerned (pump) or is it somethimg trivial like relay or sensor?
I'm keen to know too. This has happened to me before and I find that after disconnecting the battery for a bit fixes the issue
Well it hasn't come on since on mine. It has me stumped now. Either there is an issue serious enough for the warning light to come on and stay on or not serious enough for it to be so random
probly the dumbest thing im gunna say but have ya cheked the fluid level, and when was it changed last,
when my diff blew, i noticed it smelt burnt and was wondering if the oil had lost its viscosity, otherwise maybe air in the lines??
I checked the reservior and its fine. It did it again tonight after not lighting up in 2 weeks. Even during the last meet and greet. Tonight it wasn't a solid light up still flickered on and off at half light. So it's really got me stumped.
Found the issue, heater core dropped a lil water on the ayc puter. Stupid place to have a computer right under a core full of water/coolant. Explains why the dash light came on so randomly and flicker tgen disappear. So dash is out ready to install replacement heater core when I get my hands on it.
haha thats gotta be a releif, i was thinkin maybe re-bleed the lines but then how would air have got in there??

hey tim has yours still got ayc?? keen to get rid of mine ay, dont like these new fandangle diffs
Relief is an understatement. I've sprayed the connection with some wd40 and dried it all up. So I'm hoping it is all good. Still think its a ridiculous spot for such an important CPU.
I get the AYC light coming on at the track. Don't know if that's because it was doing it's thing and just wants to let you know or if it detected a problem. I understand you can't read the codes without a mut2. Evoscan doesn't read anything I've found. The AYC seems to be working OK despite the light coming on and I forget to get it checked when at a workshop for other reasons.