diagnostic not working


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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
Seaford, Melbourne
I am trying to find out what codes my ecu is throwing. When I hook up a light or buzzer, like it shows on vfaq, I get nothing at all. If I use a digital volt meter I can see it pulsing clearly. Its just to hard to pick the short pulses with it. Hence why I want to use the light. The bulb and a circuit tester work 100%. Just not on the diagnostic plug. Any idea what's going on?
Try using a LED instead of a higher drawing globe. Remember to get the polarity around the right way with the LED
Got the codes. 12 and 25. Which are both for the MAF, which makes perfect sense as I just soldered in a 055. Obviously i have done it wrong. The thing is I rechecked over and over today to what vfaq says and it is spot on to the chart. Only thing is, I have the 055 plug instead of the 609 (2g). A few wire colours are different, but I just went by the numbers 1-7 instead where the wires were pink etc. Does anyone have the correct wiring set up for a vr4 to an 055 plug? Also it is not the two green/yellow wires round wrong way. I have checked that and it made no change. Any ideas?
Cheers for replies. Yeah I shoud've mentioned the car is chipped and was running mint. I've changed a whole good working car into a better chassis. So the only thing different running wise is the loom. Today I went and got a 609 to replace the 055 and the MAF plug to go with it. I've just cut n twisted the wires so far. On first start up it threw three codes. 12,13 and 25. I switched the two green/ yellow wires. Reset ecu and restarted it. I now get only one code, which is 12. Volume air. All these wires are definitely connected correctly. I've checked it over loads of times. The symptoms of the car are its running really rich and is chugging a bit, hard to tell until its warmed up what it would be like. The engine is forged n has hks 272's so it always ran a bit rough from cold for the first minute. One tying I did try, was I pulled the MAF plug off and it still ran really rich. Like smokes its that rich. I'm wondering if something other than the MAF might be playing up here? Man I wish I still had my old colt gto. 10,12,14mm spanner and a Phillips screwdriver,you couldn't go wrong! Haha
If you pulled the MAF and it made no difference, you'd have to think its a MAF related issue. Sucking eggs I know, but makes sense. I'd like to offer MAF testing things to help diagnose but don't use one.
Can you document here which pin numbers are linked from the Magna plug to the VR4 AFM connector ?There are numbers on the magna connector, however the 8 pin VR4 MAF adaptor is a bit trickier. Looking at the back of the connector, with the latch being upwards, 1 is on the far right of the top row.. 4 on the far left of the top row etc I've done several of these cables and I found the info on line a little confusing. I can compare your wiring with mine... which I know work ! To get a faulty 055/609 is EXTREMELY rare !!
I'm hoping it is my cabbage wiring. this is what I have done. The MAF plug is 1-7 left to right viewing from the wire side. The vr4 I am just going to give the colours of the wires for now.
Maf plug VR4 Loom

The MAF plug I've used here is off a late model magna. The colours might be different to the old plug people usually use with the pink wire etc, but if you go by 1-7 it will be the same for both connection wise. Thanks for looking at this for me.
Can you link the two using pin numbers for the VR4 8 pin plug ? Just number it by using my allocation as written a couple of posts higher...ie the male adaptor plug . I'm assuming you haven't cut the VR4 female plug off and soldered directly to the loom ?
Yeah no vr4 plug to nmb seen anymore. the loom is completely cut and soldered direct to the new plug. I know its an ask, but Is there anyway you could take a photo of your connection with the wires spread out in order for me to compare?
Am going to the workshop later on.. I'll plug the adaptor I have into a stock VR4 and document it. A photo wouldnt really show much clearly
Ok.. this is what lines up with my adaptor loom and a stock VR4 MAF loom. The pin numbers refer to the Magna ( 2G ) 055/609 MAF plug. Looking from the back of the Magna connector plug, #1 is the far left, and #8 is the far right.. Hope this helps !

Magna Pin #1 = Green/red VR4 loom
#2- Green/red
#3= Green/blue
#4= Red
#5= Green/black
#6= Green/orange
#7 =Green/yellow
#8 not used
Thanks heaps for doing that mate. Well it looks like my wiring is correct then. I was really hoping it wasn't. So next option I guess is to try a third afm and hope for the best. I'm out of ideas if that doesn't work. Off to the tuning shop for a more educated look $$$$
What are the odds of two mafs not working? The car runs exactly the same with both of them and throws the same code 12- airflow sensor. I'm going to a wreckers after work to grab 2 055 mafs tomorrow but I can't help thinking I'm gonna be wasting my time.....or do I balls out n buy a new $500 oem 609? Atleast I will know for sure its not the MAF after that.