different Turbo on 4g93


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By the looks people are scared to try anything different yeah td05 turbo set up has worked well for a few fellas but what's the harm in going garret their actually a better turbo by far being ballbearing and flows so much easier
theres nothing wrong with running a garret hell if i had one "of apropriate size" i'd run one new tech is generally always beter than old. but as said you wasting time and money without supporting mods imo that rear housing is TOO big for this motor all you'll get is a peaky motor.

i was aiming to go high comp on my mivec 1.8 but couldn't get appropriate flat top pistons. and i couldn't use the stock pistons due to not having retainnig clips for floating piston pins (you could get the machined in but no shop near me wanted to take on the responsibility of lathing in the groove. so the only option was to buy a pistons and rods i tried and failed 3 times to get pistons and rods sperately you can get CP piston sets for the 4g93 for around 600 on eBay if you look hard enough and are willing to wait an age for them. and rods are cheap as chips making a full set come in under 1000 then you just have the block machining to accept them as the last expense. once you have forged rods in there your really only limited by tune as to the power you "could" make as a guide my 1.8l mivec is making 200hp at all four on 10psi that's a 20hp gain on the same turbo from changing the stock ecu out. admittedly forged rods and aftermarket ecu and tune for 20hp isn't exactly economical but I'm no where near my goal for the engine oh and the 180hp was at the fronts only vs 200 at all 4 so i actually picked up alot more at the crank. but the car is a completly different animal.

for what your trying to do I'd recommend a smaller turbo what brand or where that turbo comes from i couldn't care less hell buy an ebay cast manifold that will let you run Subaru turbos for all i care (actualy that not a bad idea since the vf34 is an awesome turbo and ball bearing too). the point i'm trying to make is for your intended purpose what you have is inappropriate can you run it SURE would it work yes. would it be the best thing you could do IMO not even slightly.
evo-gsr said:
200 hp is classed as an animal?
i said it was a different animal not that it was a potentially vicious animal. lets say it evolved from a mouse into a rat. and I'm aiming for racoon