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Cheap GSR

CLuTZ said:
WTF has this world got to!:eek:

Thats plus shipping, plus compliance though- would be more like $17k landed and complied I reckon!

your right there, but still quiet cheap though, its got the same amount of kms as my evo 2 lol
well whats compliance worth... evo 6's shouldnt need much... like seats belts, tyres all need to be done... so 12,000 + 1700 postage = 13700
compliance would be no more then 3000 shorly so 16,700
but still 3000 still seems to much...
well whats compliance worth... evo 6's shouldnt need much... like seats belts, tyres all need to be done... so 12,000 + 1700 postage = 13700
compliance would be no more then 3000 shorly so 16,700
but still 3000 still seems to much...

stock brembo Front pads $600+ (im guessing it will need them due to kms)
front rotors $400 a side
new stock exhaust cat $1200
$600 for the engineering report and Rwc
carbon canister $400
fuel filter$50
fix air con pipe or regass $??
windscreen $250
seat belts should be fine
headlights should be fine
rego $600 vic

theres $7200 including tyres and shipping, and I have forgot something Im sure:fuuuuu:

vic roads quote all the part numbers now that you have to go by also,

if you can borrow stuff and them upgrade compliance like brake pads etc it will save you alot of money