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I dont even understand his own Mistake though!
Quotes from Owner:
THIS IS A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo6
The Car also has 'Evolution IV' stickers all over it, yet he straight out says it's an Evo 6.

With that engine number must be a CM5A, yet the add also says its a 2 Litre. Mass confusion.
SIVART said:
maybe it comes with a evo II to make it a 6 :blink:

yeh that is weird.

no climate control, but 5 stud conversion.

plus the engine number on the ad says 4G93xxxxxx

wtf is going on there...?

edit, its also got a standard centre console, with no lid.

also, the dash/centre console is grey, didn't all EVO's come with black plastics etc?

I would assume that its just a gli lancer which has been awd converted from a wrecked E4.

Though that doesnt explain the 4G93xxxx engine code...

fck im confused.

someone call him and ask wtf is going on lol
i thought E4's where never offically imported into Oz,

I bet that engine number has been read off the rego/license papers.

looking like a dodgy registration. owner sounds dumb as **** too, probably read the roman numerials back to front thinking its a E6.
sounds like a ce gsr thats been mongreled up, whats up with all the b-s people put in there ads, its more often than not lately
just did a quick VIN check ... using the Vin on his ebay ad

came up with this....

The VIN Search found important information...

Model CE
Body Type SEDAN
^ On all of this, there are a series of Martin Griggs like ce's which were converted to E4. This may or may not be one of them? I do recall a ce being sold recently which had an E4 engine conversion with the 5 stud aswell (it was advertised for $11k) - it was still fwd.
This car used to be a silver CE and was converted a few years ago... The guy used be on MLGAy and had the build posted on there