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Yeh, 1 of a kind RARE Aust delivered EVO3, its like a GSR and has all GSR parts, but its has the Mitsubishi factory fibreglass EVO3 bodykit
Lol. Yeah I sent him a lengthy message too explaining that he should edit his listing as to not mislead anyone as he has been.... And said it is just a GSR with some mods and is not an evo anything !!! Even said I hope you didn't pay anywhere near the 15g your asking for it because no one in there right mind would pay 15g for a GSR... Especialy a bodgerly painted matte black one..!! LoL.. I also explained/listed some of the differences between an EVO an a GSR.. Also told him that there is no such thing as a 93 model evo 3 ! Never got any reply....
had a little fun with him...it even has an eco crank and evo engine internals!

told him that cant be done....he replied its sold