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GSR being wrecked in SA

there is a GSR on gumtree the guy "thinks" has a PPG box


so the story goes like this.....he bought the car and fubar the gearbox pretty quick. He buys a gearbox from a guy that is stripping a race car...guy tell him he got the buy of the century. guy that sells him the box claims gearbox is a helical cut PPG item but guy that has car for sale hasnt crancked it open to check
jack of all said:
There is a evo3 engine mount on ebay for ages. I thoughtit would have been long gone @$50...
might find that one came to my place a few weeks ago jack...but he said he has another one
Atters said:
This car seem interesting..belongs to anyone on here?
Whats the going rate for one of those nowadays anyway?

Also whats with this car if anyone knows the history of it? http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/mill-park/cars-vans-utes/mitsubishi-lancer-gsr-turbo-1994/1028856723
Seems to be floating around on gumtree and ebay alot but no sale? Something wrong?
Yeah, am pretty sure that red GSR has been posted on this forum before, I think it's also been a regular at the Calder Park Drags too.
Thanks EVO20T:), it's not the same car guys I was trying to sell it on the forum age ago but ended up buying a J-spec GSR then transfer the running gear n body kit over then respray it HSV sting red,it's sad that's I have to sell it due to loss my license for 2year:(