eBay Parts Sightings


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GSRSOL said:
Richard said:
tenji` said:

He says they are 100mm not 114.3mm so they wouldn't be EVO rims?
I was seriosly thinking about getting them until I read that :(

just buy them

only 200 bucks is a bargain. Ive never seen them in 4 x 100, i think the guy has measured em up wrong.

It finished with no bids I think, I've neva really bought anything from Ebay either and the Missus said "you don't need those!" which is prolly true to, I like my 17''s
Re: EVO 9 Recaro seats

CLuTZ said:

The question is at what price$$$$$$$ will the bidding stop?????????
Ooops ... My bad.. Thought the auction ended...

Maybe I should keep my GSR seats and sell my Evo ones if I can start chasing that amount of cash ... :shock:
rock_it said:
Ooops ... My bad.. Thought the auction ended...

Maybe I should keep my GSR seats and sell my Evo ones if I can start chasing that amount of cash ... :shock:

i will gladly take your evo interior off your hands 8)