Well-Known Member
hey people
Could someone tell me how to extract fault codes from a VR4, from what i have read i believe that an LED test light is connected between "The Fault Code Output Trigger and Ground Terminals on the Diagnostic Connector." If this is correct could someone tell where these pins are and if i am wrong could someone point me in the right direction.
Basacally i started it today for the first time in a while and as it was warming up the idle suddenly jumped to 2000RPM, check engine light flashed a few times and smoke smelling of electronics burning came out from under dash (drivers side)
I shut it off and checked wiring for burning or signs of heat nothing.
took it for a small drive no more smoke or engine light but could still smell it, and it was running rough while trying to cruise at a set speed yet still pulls hard under WOT. got home and hooked up the timing light but when I earthed the plug on the firewall it died and blew the ignition fuse..
any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks, Logan
Could someone tell me how to extract fault codes from a VR4, from what i have read i believe that an LED test light is connected between "The Fault Code Output Trigger and Ground Terminals on the Diagnostic Connector." If this is correct could someone tell where these pins are and if i am wrong could someone point me in the right direction.
Basacally i started it today for the first time in a while and as it was warming up the idle suddenly jumped to 2000RPM, check engine light flashed a few times and smoke smelling of electronics burning came out from under dash (drivers side)
I shut it off and checked wiring for burning or signs of heat nothing.
took it for a small drive no more smoke or engine light but could still smell it, and it was running rough while trying to cruise at a set speed yet still pulls hard under WOT. got home and hooked up the timing light but when I earthed the plug on the firewall it died and blew the ignition fuse..
any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks, Logan